This has been completely debunked. Just a 'not very successful' scare tactic.
In the US: Our Children Will Be Subjected to Selective Service Very Soon
by gespro 46 Replies latest social current
I guess it's a wait and see after the elections. Time will tell...
Cannon fodder doesn't need much of a brain- just a body and a gun.
Interesting that this "scary" rumor is circulating now. As I posted a few days ago, my local (lib) paper ran an article on how Americans are enlisting and reenlisting in virtually all branches of the military at record highs.
Pork Chop
John McCain was asked about this today and he said no way. The lengthy training and expertise required for today's military does not lend itself to a short term, conscript force and there are plenty of volunteers. Today's soldier is not cannon fodder.
I guess no one remembers 'Nam...
More scare tactics from the left. As has been stated in this thread, the Amred Forces are not interested in having bodies, the Armed forces are so much more high tech than in the past.
As far as the Iraq/Vietnam comparisons, well there really isn't any...yet. Let's start the Vietnam after the June 30th pull-out date. My opinion is that there will NOT be a pull-out of occupying troops on that date. I hope I'm wrong. However, I have a feeling...
P.S. I'm a Bush supporter, war supporter, and Republican.
P.P.S. Anything that comes from the mouth of Ralph Nader must be taken with a large dose of anti-leftist medicine.
I've been apolitical all of my life but aware enough to see a pattern and to become vocal about it. The 'us and them' mentality has never been a part of my nature. If you don't see greed and the want of power in your candidate(s), more power to ya. Real history is available to any researcher. Some of us are still stuck on the 'discovery' of America by Columbus when people were already here!
As far as I'm concerned, this country was stolen and it's run by the same people who stole it and they do what they wish. You want to bandwagon with these folks? You have that freedom. I don't give a rat's ass what your political alignment is; my children don't need to go into war under the guise of freedom. True freedom has been long gone in this country [if you're not of the small percent of the wealthy]. Tell me that's not true.
i can only underline every word you said up there!
I think those who are supporters of Mr. Bush and of this war and it's reasons for being should enlist and go on over there and do what they feel is the right Mr. Bush physically, not just verbally.