My mother called a little bit ago to talk. She works at an S.O.S. school ( a place where all the "bad" kids go). She was telling me how horrible the kids were, drug dealers, pregnant teens....and so on.....then she went on to tell me that it is just a shame that the world is that way. Teens are just "so bad these days".....
It really irritated me. I let her finish and then told her, "Well of course they are bad at the S.O.S. school....but there are many intelligent teens that do very well in school and in life. It just so happens they get to attend regular school."
She then told me that she used to be so proud of me "not being a part of the world" and that she was thankful I "abstained" from all of that.....
Too bad she is disappointed in me now. Now that I finally am becoming someone for her to be proud of.