Why do you think people choose to join this religion???
Why Do People WANT To Become One of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends
Because the lies sound promising.. they offer them a life of fantasy where all the problems of today will be gone
I am wondering, however, what is the ratio of JW children being baptized in this country and actual new first timers?
Because they don't tell the whole truth about disfellowshipping. Everyone at the KH acts their best and is friendly until you are baptized. Then you are dropped like a hot potato. True experiences told to me by 2 JWs that are now inactive.
They DO tell you about dfing and why people have this action on them. The problem is everyone's in LALA LAND and they have no concept of what that really does to a person. But most know about it, if they've studied for a while, imo.
Because some people believe it to be the truth just like many insist the catholic church is or any other religion . Apparently it's easy to convince people that they need to be part of some religion in order to have a pleasant after life .
I think when new studies are taught about disfellowshipping, it is some abstract concept -- and those imaginary beings who are theoretically disfellowshipped are worshipping Satan, using drugs, kicking puppies, and doing some heinous things -- so it is OKAY in the newcomer's mind that they would be expelled.
That is my purely hypothetical opinion. But it seems reasonable... they don't think of real people, of decent, kind, loving people getting disfellowshipped -- only some invisible, purely evil people.
My two cents, as always...
I think it's because they think they've found the magic bottle with the genie in it. They have something no one else has. That first class ticket to everlasting life. Eventually they become smug and start to look down on other religions and people. They place themselves on this pedestal and look out their makebelieve window at the world and shake their heads in pity..........................it makes them feel powerful
Actually if there is such a thing DFing is like the WTS firing voluteers then "saying you'll never work in this town again, see... now scram!"
Yeah actually it is the people you don't like walking in the door are always the placeholder hypothetical people you imagine. Face it I think certain people like shunning in general more than DFing some treat anyone that is not a elder or pioneer like they are DFed. I think it is the hall monitor mentality/ hypocrites (in the local hall not the org in general) that drives otherwise complacent witnesses away.
My grandfather is getting old he is a PO we were talking about the bannings. He said "I hope that the friends don't start interpeting this to mean the end is coming. We have been in the last since 1914..." I think he was trying to break it to me that he didn't think the end was going to come in his lifetime, and for the sake of the rest of the world it shouldn't. I wonder how many JWs don't think the end is close, but are on red alert anyway because of Jesus own words? Considering the watchtower its self set an main strean indefinite time span finally. Whats the verdict the world will end science tells us it will, but what is it is 10000 years from now for the human race? The WTS will be right and extinct with us.