I always thought the average dub thought the kh was the safest place on the planet because of all those angels that follow all those publishers around . They did kinda explain it to me one time as being more convenient for people to answer in smaller groups but knowing them there just has to be something else to it . I don't even think the congregation offers to offset expenses for using someones home and certainly never saw any people so much as bring a covered plate or even show up early to set up chairs . Of course all those chairs are permanent in the living room just folded up in the corner somewhere .
property tax and the home bible study
by heathen 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Zoning laws would not permit this action. If your house becomes a public gathering place, you are in for major municipal zoning compliance regulations. However, incidental gatherings, like the Jws Bible Study, have been exempt by the Courts.......
Thichi--- If people can run a buisness out of their home without having to comply with zoning laws then I don't see why a church would have to . Jesus said in the bible that as long as there is a gathering of 2 or 3 in my name I will also be present , I gather you think a church has to include some 100 people ? I challenge that belief and further am thinking of challenging the legal authorities on the matter as I do have 2 or 3 interested parties.