Hey all, I could really use some help if anyone is interested. My nephew was killed almost one year ago at the age of 17 in a vvry suspicious hit and run that the cops closed as "accidental." The kid who hit him has a very rich father and it happened in a very small town. We are trying to get media coverage to try to scare someone into admitting what really happened. If any of you have the time could you email different media sources such as Dateline, 48 Hours, People Magazine, Montel, etc and just say something like: I would like to see you do an article/show on the death of Kyle Edward Snider of Broseley, MO. so that his family can have closure as to his death. If you would like to cover this story please email his aunt at [email protected]. Any help would be appreciated!
I could use some help, if anyone is interested
by copsec 14 Replies latest jw friends
wow, everyone is so kind and caring..............................
sorry but not enough info here for me.
If you would, post some additional info here. Or PM me if you don't want to put the details out for all to see.
No offense ... just that I like to cross-check things before I start passing them on to others. It's a habit I developed after I stopped going out in field service.
I have the time to do this and would be happy to help, more info. pls.
Hello ... I live in KC, MO. I too would like too to hear more about this incident.
try to contact Mark Ferman...he help reopen a cold case and prosecute the case. He has a radio show in Washington State somewhere.
MARK FURMAN The famous detective from the OJ Simpson case uncovers some shocking revelations about the death penalty in Oklahoma and certain inmates who may be wrongly convicted. Plus, he'll update us on the Laci Peterson case clearing up rumors of whether or not Conner really was born before Laci was murdered and what the tape around her neck indicates. Mark Fuhrman's book, "Death and Justice" is available online and at bookstores everywhere.
Ok, since everyone is so paranoid about helping out without further information, here goes. On May 29, 2003 my nephew, Kyle Edward Snider of Broseley, Missouri was killed at around 3:00 am. He had been at a party with friends to celebrate their high school graduatio one week previously. Supposedly he disappeared from the party and when some of the kids realized he was gone three boys piled into a truck and went to look for him. They say they were going around a curve when they saw something in the road and hit it. "IT" turned out to be my nephew. The coroner took blood from my nephew to determine whether he was drunk or on drugs. No drugs, some alcohol showed up. Funnily enough though the boys driving never got any kind of test even though it was determined they were driving 80 m.p.h. on a curvy road in the pitch black "looking" for my nephew. Ok, whatever. Also the boy who hit my nephew has a very wealthy father and it is a very small town and somehow the father was at the scene of the crime before the police got there. And somehow the trooper who was in charge of the case got pulled without any reasoning and somehow these boys didn't get charged with a damn thing. I have friends on a police message board and accident reconstruction board who are going to go over the report for me but I need help in getting the medias attention. if anyone wants to help thats great but if not, whatever. Sorry if I sound bitter but I am in a bitchy mood about this and I just can't seem to help it!
Ok, copsec, I've sent an e-mail to Dateline and 20/20. Thanks for the opportunity to help!