....or do you feel that's not your job here?
How Do YOU Help People On This Site?
by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends
nobody helps anyone here??
Poor, poor, pitiful you. 40 minutes and nobody responded to one of your questions.
I hope that I can help by sharing some things that I have learned in trying to exit the WTS, but be unbiased and fair by not condemning all JWs because they happen to be JWs. Most of the R&F are duped as we were once duped. I hope more JWs realize what has happened to them and that they try to exit.
Lady Lee
nobody helps anyone here
Min??? Of course not lol
and if you don't know what I do around here by now bud you have some s-e-rious problems lol
Thanks for my giggle of the day
Help me Min,
I am hopeless. Any suggestions?
I help the apostababes get their self esteme back by ogling them.
Well . . . to boil it down, every form of communication between two human beings is either an expression of love or a cry for help.
Sometimes we have a hard time making the distinction between the two, however, I have seen where many on this forum serve in various ways of expressing that love to those who are cying out for help, and I think the world of those who take the time to offer some sort of help or comfort, some kind of insight or perspective in dealing with the challenges of living, let alone being an XJW.
Most of us already have the answers inside of us, and yet we are comforted when we hear that others are going through the same challenges. It is reassuring and helpful in making decisions on how we can get better results the next time around.
Another distinction to make is the difference between just being a good listener and offering counsel and/or trying to fix another person's problems. My wife lovingly tells me, (or is she crying out for help?), that when she vents to me about work or about the mean people in her life, she is not asking me to "fix" her problem, and she further says that most women feel the same. It is such a relief to be able to just listen to my wife's problems and frustrations without feeling compelled to "fix" her problems. I now apply the same principal to all human beings and now see my approach as a way of respecting the intelligence and ability of another.
Many of you helped me as I was cutting the final emotional chord to the organization. You all helped to confirm what I already knew in my heart and mind. Thanks.
nobody helps anyone here??
Well Min????
Where's your answer to my earlier question??
Nathan Natas
I keep a big bowl filled with delicious snacks and a mini-refrigerator filled with cold beer right next to my monitor, and I share with anyone who happens by.
Oh, and I pray for everybody, too.
Never may it be said I do not help people! I would do more if I could, but I choose not to.