i don't approve of either of these guys, but i think that this is a really good photograph.
by dh 13 Replies latest jw friends
i don't approve of either of these guys, but i think that this is a really good photograph.
LOL, yes. They look like a C&R commercial or a cheezy JC Penny ad.
Ahhhhh, there is our Tony, staring lovingly in to George's eyes. Probably thinking, "should I kiss him now, or wait till we get back to the White House?
Isnt love great
Isnt this two boys very deep christians, and they belive that jeseus is comin soon, and that he does this in Israel.
they also belive that Musslims are evel religion and must be destroid?
Are we looking forward to a word wide war bettwen religions, I think this two men are very dangerus, they are under infuense from dark religus forces, not so many have notis this.
perhaps we alrdy are in this war, some hope is the elections in US, when the peopel can swipe away Busch and hes war politick.
I hope the US peopel are so intelegent that they do this.
imo: blair looks like such a smug bastard!
...and bush looks like he just had his monthly herbal enema.
Blair: " `ave you her`d any-fink from Bin Liner lately mate?"
Bush: " who?"
Blair: " you know,that Geezer behind the September the 11th bombings; the leada o`v Ow-cow Ea-da?"
Bush: " `ol that Muffa-fukin-son of a bitch!,yeah a couple of days ago we received an audio-tape and a photograph from some-shithead claimimg to-be him..... But I`m sure the tapes a fake, our boys blew the shit out of the him on the first day of bombing Irac, Tony"
Blair: " what about the photograph? was that a fake also?"
Bush : " The color print was very small and blurred,probably taken with a mobil phone in secret; we got our boys in the lab to clean it up. It was just of Bin Ladden`s face. It sure looked like him..!!!...the silver streaked hair,leathery brown skin,that long grey beard, that nose that looks like a dogs been chewing it,you know...
.........but it just turned out to-be a close-up photo one of our C.I.A guys took of you taking a piss"
I think this was taken just before they broke into this duet: http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/multimedia/bushblair_endlesslove.mov
I think their holding hands!
...and bush looks like he just had his monthly herbal enema.
Doesn't he always look like that?
Though you can't tell it from the photo, I'm curious as to where George's right hand may have been when it was taken...