Come one, come all -- come join "the Great Crowd of Other Sheep" today!
Look at all the "benefits" you will receive (taken directly from Watchtower Publications):
* You will NOT have Jesus Christ as your Mediator between you and God.
* You will have the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" as your only Mediator between you and Jesus and God.
* You will NOT be Born Again.
* You will NOT be in the Kingdom of God.
* You will NOT be baptized by The Holy Spirit.
* You will NOT be Anointed by The Holy Spirit.
* You will NOT have The Holy Spirit abide in you.
* You will NOT be one of the saints or holy ones.
* You will NOT be adopted as "sons of God" until you pass the Final Test at the end of the 1,000 Year Millennial Reign of the 144,001, and then, if you pass that test, you can still be destroyed if you rebel against the 144,001, even though the "Anointed Ones" are given immortal life immediately upon death, and they never have to pass any future tests.
* You will never be immortal -- you can always be destroyed by God in the future for "apostasy".
* You will NOT be viewed as being perfect in God's eyes until after the Final Test at the end of the 1,000 years, even though the Anointed Ones are viewed as being perfect at their baptism.
Can anyone else add any additional "benefits" to this list?