Has this happened to you?

by ball. 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • ball.

    I just went round the corner for a breakfast in the local cafe, and as I was about to go in, there was a JW, one of my best mates, just coming out. I just stood there and looked at him in amazement, as I haven't seen him in 10 years and he had changed a lot. I guess I have too. He just looked at me and then put on a really big smile. There was a few seconds while I waited to see if he was going to talk to me, but nothing was said. You may imagine it was an awkward few seconds, but strangely it was not. Just two people who know they cannot talk communicating just using body language, and then moving on. I don't suppose there is any other situation in life quite like this. He was a really good friend and it brought back a few memories.

  • Amazing1914

    When I run into JWs, I go up to them, extend my hand, and speak to them ... why not? What should stop us? Is there some 'no-talking' rule we have to obey? If they talk back with me, which most do, I accept that ... and if they shun me, then I made them feel all the more dirty, unclean, and uncomfortable ... it is a perfect world ... win-win ... except ... I pity them for the communist-style system they live under ...

  • ball.

    My intention was not to make him feel "more dirty, unclean, and uncomfortable", he is a decent guy, my best friend as a witness.

    Also, while I feel I am not controlled by their shunning rules, I do not wish to put his adhereance to their policy under test.

  • gumby

    Amazing..........spot on!

    I do exactly the same. Why should we play by rules we are against? I have NEVER had a dub not speak to me if I made the first move.

    They don't like to make the first move as they feel it breaks their integrity, but .......the pressure is off them if WE speak first.


  • Puternut

    I run into witnesses daily. I was an elder and so I know a lot of people. But the interesting thing is, that I know for a fact that most witnesses aren't comfortable with no talking. I ran into an ex elder the other day. Someone who I spent many years with. He approached ME ! He asked how I was doing. I asked him if he was comfortable talking to me. He mentioned, that he didn't believe in all the rules the witnesses made. And that took me a little by surprize, since he was an ex elder. But he was genuine, and good. Even wished me 'good luck' a term you're not supposed to use.

    But then there are those who give you the 'evil' eye. I just feel sorry for them. They somehow think they need to go beyond the written word. Even god, after disciplining, doesn't keep browbeating his servants.


  • MicStroz
    When I run into JWs, I go up to them, extend my hand, and speak to them ... why not? What should stop us? Is there some 'no-talking' rule we have to obey? If they talk back with me, which most do, I accept that ... and if they shun me, then I made them feel all the more dirty, unclean, and uncomfortable ... it is a perfect world ... win-win ... except ... I pity them for the communist-style system they live under ...

    I'd have to agree with this.......Hell, I enjoy making them uncomfortable....I don't take life that serious anymore.

    Nowadays, I just have to have a little fun. What rules? hehehe

  • gumby


    Hell, I enjoy making them uncomfortable

    Why? Were not they your friends? Aren't they still good people as you and I are except they are still brainwashed? I don't understand why some blame individuals......rather than the Organisation they belong to.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    The Witnesses I still talk with are my friends and I care about and still talk with. However, it is not humanly possible for me to care less about the rest of the Witnesses I used to know. I'm not angry, don't hate them, I just don't care.

  • MicStroz


    I enjoy seeing the challenge of how they handle talking to me.....If they feel uncomfortable then something must not be right inside of them. When I was a JW, I WAS a JW. I would never have had a problem with turning my back on a Df'd person, even one who once was my friend.

    In retrospect, I do feel sorry for these ones, my family included. They are captive to a way of life that they themsevles can not see. I have nothing but love to offer them all...and would help and aid any who would want to be free in any way I could. As for the organization, I have nothing but HATRED! When I needed them the most.......they left me dieing on the side of the road....it's a long story. If in my life I can ever do anything to hurt the organization (not the people) I will not hesitate. When I can post a new thread, I'm at my limit, I'll give the short version of my fall from grace and introduce myself.


  • gumby

    Hi Mic,

    I'm glad you hate the religion, and not those captive to it

    If they feel uncomfortable then something must not be right inside of them.

    The only thing "not right inside of them"....is what has been instilled in them as to what is right and wrong. They are simply being obedient as to what they feel is true. I like to talk to them when I can to prove to them I don't have demons coming out of my eyes......and that I'm the same guy they knew before.



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