Sheeplike behaviour?

by boa 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • boa

    K, I just have to relate one of the most ridiculous situations I've ever been in and it happened at bethel.

    As most of you know, they have a Monday night wt study. (this makes 3 times you study the article if you prepare for it, attend monday, then again on sunday - jeece!) Since in canadian bethel there isn't enough room to have everyone in the kh they have there, they put others in 'satellite' rooms and hook up with video/sound.

    Anyway, one night, the study had ended and we were moving on to the song when the sound kicked out but the video still worked. Like at any meeting probably, everyone took this opportunity to show how they didn't need no damn sound to 'worship to Jehovah' in song and praise.

    The really funny/weird part was when the prayer started and everyone bowed their head - BUT YOU COULDN'T hear what he was saying - just the barest of noise, the odd word maybe. Well, well well, boa is standing there thinking to himself: Self! What the hell are you doing here - look at all these people not knowing what to do or how to react? Why the hell am I here? Jeece, I even said a little 'amen' when he finished the prayer!

    Please tell me if you have experienced such a thing as this in dubbiedom so I really really know its not just me that found this weird and disturbing.


  • stillajwexelder

    OH YES SIR -- been there, done that, questioned everything and said why am I here?

  • Strawberryfieldsforever

    Yep! These people all act like robots or clones or something. Everyone does the same thing and they can't function outside the circle.

  • Wallflower

    The gospel allusion to Christ like ones being sheep was well chosen.......blindly following everyone else regardless. It should have been lemmings but the gospel writer didn't know they existed.

  • seeitallclearlynow

    LOL at stilla!

    Boa, I don't remember anything just like that ever happening, but give me time...

  • cyber-sista

    Hey Boa,

    One of the last comments--I believer "the" last comment I ever made at the KH was during a Thurs meeting--one of those "Keeping Our Place of Worship Clean" talks. Anyway, it was a 15-20 minute part about cleaning the KH and all the different aspects of cleaning and maintaining the KH. I sat there beyond bored. The elder giving the talk was falling asleep on the platform--the audience was comatose--it was like everything was moving in slow motion. The elder was asking some kind of a question about cleaning the bathrooms and nobody was raising their hand--there was a long pause of uncomfortable silence. I was suddenly hit over the head with inspiration and my hand shot up like a rocket. The elder woke up, looked pleased and called on me immediately. I had recently read somewhere about bathroom cleaning and how important it is to clean the toilet bowl handle as it is the most often overlooked and is very germ laden--so I shared this bit of inspirational knowledge in my comment. The elder was nodding in appreciation of my brilliant (and most scientific) comment and the audience had momentarily snapped out of their stupor and were nodding and smiling in agreement. It was a great moment of KH glory for me--a brilliant gem of inspiration that I had shared with the congo. But then I was struck with the sudden thought--Oh, my God what am I doing here?--I just gave an inspirational speech about cleaning a toilet bowl handle and the rest of the congo were appearing to be impressed by it. It was a very surreal expereince, which occurred at the end of my WT daze...

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Cyber sista - that's awesome - you summed up the whole grand KH experience for me.


  • boa

    that's an awesome story cyber - SEE it still causes interest even on this board - LOL!

    anyone notice I became a 'Senior Member' with this thread? my jw roots are cheering in self-contratulatory praise at this milestone, this 'service goal' success!

    All praise be to simon for allowing us to continue to 'cope' by have 'levels' to 'reach out for'! LOL

    Please, anyone, give us another example of the 'sheeplike' behaviour.


    (jeece, i had to use a ton of 's in that post - JWD exjw talk can be really rough)

  • Stefanie

    Ok I dont know if this fits the bill, but I hated studying the revelation book. I swear all my answers were wrong! I still answered and the bro would say, "thats an intesting piont, anyone else have a comment". I felt like such a dumbass! Thinking back on it I still am a dumbass.

  • seeitallclearlynow

    But Stefanie - the opposite is true, don't you see?

    You are not a dumbass for NOT "getting" the point in the Revelation book - it was all nonsense and your sensible brain was screaming out "This does not make sense to a sane person!" So you see, you were the smart one....

    Just still conditioned to believe that you were wrong if you didn't agree with their nonsense.

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