K, I just have to relate one of the most ridiculous situations I've ever been in and it happened at bethel.
As most of you know, they have a Monday night wt study. (this makes 3 times you study the article if you prepare for it, attend monday, then again on sunday - jeece!) Since in canadian bethel there isn't enough room to have everyone in the kh they have there, they put others in 'satellite' rooms and hook up with video/sound.
Anyway, one night, the study had ended and we were moving on to the song when the sound kicked out but the video still worked. Like at any meeting probably, everyone took this opportunity to show how they didn't need no damn sound to 'worship to Jehovah' in song and praise.
The really funny/weird part was when the prayer started and everyone bowed their head - BUT YOU COULDN'T hear what he was saying - just the barest of noise, the odd word maybe. Well, well well, boa is standing there thinking to himself: Self! What the hell are you doing here - look at all these people not knowing what to do or how to react? Why the hell am I here? Jeece, I even said a little 'amen' when he finished the prayer!
Please tell me if you have experienced such a thing as this in dubbiedom so I really really know its not just me that found this weird and disturbing.