Can you believe this?

by staceman 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Elsewhere

    That's odd... according the letter I got from the WTS, whether anyone shuns a DFed or DAed person is a PERSONAL choice made by each individual.

    Gee, I wonder if someone is lieing here?

  • Sunnygal41

    Obviously, we have hearts, and they didn't because the WTS has blasted it into a frozen mass. Don't forget............we weren't of their sort (THANK GOD/DESS) so we went out from them! That's why we can't believe the insensitivity it takes to do this to someone who's down already.......yeah, let's just haul off and give them a good kick in the stomach, or groin.......why not? They did wrong, so let's personally punish them.

    Terri of the steam coming out of her ears class

  • galaxy7

    Its always been the back of the class for the disfellowshiped whereever I attended

  • Sassy

    I have heard you aren't allowed to sit together too.. even if you are both dfd.. if you try to get reinstated they will tell you that you aren't allowed to be together..

    you know they must break you .. before they will take you back.

  • brutusmaximus

    Hi all

    I have heard of a situation recently where a "sister" can pick up her DS daughters new baby but she has to go out as they can't be together. How sad is that, I always thought you could talk with the person especially family members but just not talk about the truth, am I missing something here.

    Next time take your chair, the ones in my old hall were a pain in the ass anyway


  • 4JWY

    My relative was told that not only did she need to be sitting in the back, but also not to come into the KH until right before the song begins, leave immediately,



  • staceman

    Thanks for the thoughts Frank. I am very inclinded to do what you say and persuade her not to go back, but I feel like that is a decision that she has to reach on her own. I do think in time her eyes will open and she will make the right choice. But for now she is torn to do what her mother wants her to do (they are very close) or to follow her heart. Time will tell.


  • the bandersnatch esq.
    the bandersnatch esq.

    Staceman, I think that altough it would be wrong for you to try and force your daughter (and probably wouldn't work either) not to go back, you may like to open her eyes to some universal truths.

    Get her to consider some of the arguments here: (that one is done in quite a funny manner)
    or there's the more serious but also more convincingly argued one at:

    Doubtless many of the people on these boards have already been to these pages, but they're definitely worth a try for anyone who has an open mind but is still unsure of some of the finder points in the evolution vs creation argument.

    If logical arguments don't help - and often they don't with JW's (they never used to work on me... or so I thought :P) then just tell her that doing what's right is more important than being liked, but either way you'll love her. This could go either way but in the end, she's an adult now and it's her decision.

    I just hope she makes the right one, for both your sakes.

    Peace, love and all that bollocks :)


  • flower

    i've never heard of such a thing. how ignorant. i was df'd and sat with or near my family without any problem. df'd people could sit wherever they wanted in our hall as far as I know. Some congregations take things so far its ridiculous.

    As far as your daughter...I agree she will have to come to the conclusion on her own if she is old enough but there is nothing wrong with helping her out by giving her the facts and resources to make the right choice. Its your duty as a parent. Like you would tell her when she is mixed up with the wrong crowd at school or you would tell her how dangerous drugs can be. Its just another thing we parents have to protect our kids from, its our job to make sure they are safe and they cant be left to decide such things for themselves. Lack of experience and common sense will have them making the wrong decision every time.


  • Cherie

    When I was DF'd I began sitting next to another girl that had been DF'd a few months before me. I never knew her before but after I was DF'd I asked for her contact information and we got together and talked.

    Well shortly thereafter she told me that the elders told her that we shouldn't be sitting next to each other OR talking to each other at all on any social level. Since she was closer to reinstatement than I was she really had to abide by this rule.

    I think you should provide *some* guidance/insight to your daughter. First as someone else has posted, let her know that you will love her no matter what. Secondly, when things like this happen, ask her, "Gee, do you think a loving God would want this for you?" Or "How do you think Jesus would handle this situation?" With Love...that's how Jesus would handle it!!!

    I have a 7 1/2 yr old daughter who was raised until she was 5 yrs old to be a JW. I always attempt to show her how loving Jesus and God are to us when we DO NOT always deserve it. For example, A few months ago I was in the mall with my daughter and a "sister" (who was a good friend of mine at one time) says hello to my daughter and TOTALLY ignores me. Now, how disrespectful that was to totally ignore an adult and speak to a child only? When a child looks up to their parent at this age it's disheartening to see the parent treated rudely. I just said, "Wow...Jesus would not even treat his enemies that way..."

    And again her & I were in a small pastry shop and we saw two witnesses in there. They both came up to my daughter and started having a full on conversation with her. Afterward my daughter felt bad for me that these people totally ignored me (I wonder what the staff at the pastry shop was thinking as well). Afterward I told her that God has given me strength to endure this type of behavior from people.

    So I'd like to suggest to you to keep bringing it back to God and Jesus and how they love her so much and ask thought provoking questions as to is this what God would want (for her to be treated this way)? In addition, how does she think this fits under God's gift of grace? We don't earn it or deserve it but God gives it to all. So why would God make one go through such pain to get back to Him when one would want to be with him? It's just so NOT GODLY! :)

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