Strawberry...ya kids all over the place...kind of like being a UN peace keeper sans the blue helmet...*LOL*
Thanks Sass..will be looking for it.
Big T., yes that look...she was irritated w/one of the boys was a bit much...two of them with different ages had bipolar disorder so there was lots and lots of manic activity going on. A bit much sometimes, but I kept a close eye out and tried to make sure everyone was having a good time....*LOL* sound familiar? *LOL* I did get up yesterday about 5:30 and go fishing with our friend and host Steve. He took me down to the Guadalupa and we fished for several hours. Quietly catching small ones was plenty of action...especially since I had just been in the whirlwind of the child horde, only to go to listening to yourself think and the wind beating the crap out of your ears on the way home.
Princess...thankya! twins...CFB 7 CFB 5.
Bryan..ya most of the time. Wished they didn't live so far, but I do what I can.
District Overbeer