Hello again, Brownboy. If you feel you are being ridiculed, you are probably right, and you should should consider the fact that you are self-righteous and presumptuous . . . which is foolishness according to your own Bible. The following is for you, stupid.
it-2 p. 808 Ridicule ***Justifiable
Ridicule. Ridicule may be deserved and well justified. A person who does not exercise foresight or who neglects good counsel may take a foolish course that makes him the object of ridicule. BINGO BROWNBOY! Jesus gave an example of such a man, who started to build a tower without first counting the cost. (Lu 14:28-30) Jehovah set Israel "as a reproach to [her] neighbors, a derision and jeering to those all around" her, justly so, because of her own waywardness and disobedience to God, even to the point of bringing reproach upon God’s name among the nations.
w98 12/1 p. 10 Hated for Their Faith *** 10
How did that view of foreigners compare with the form of worship outlined in the Mosaic Law? The Law did promote separateness from the nations, but this was in order to protect the Israelites, particularly their pure worship. (Joshua 23:6-8) Even so, the Law required that foreigners be treated with justice and fairness and that they be received hospitably—as long as they did not flagrantly disobey Israel’s laws. (Leviticus 24:22) By departing from the reasonable spirit clearly evident in the Law respecting foreigners, the Jewish religious leaders of Jesus’ day produced a form of worship that engendered hate and was hated. In the end, the first-century Jewish nation lost Jehovah’s favor.—Matthew 23:38. 11
Is there a lesson in this for us? Yes, there is. A self-righteous, superior attitude that looks down upon those who do not share our religious beliefs does not accurately represent the pure worship of Jehovah, nor does it please him.
By the way, Brownboy, why aren't you going door to door instead sitting at your pc condemning all of us. Does Brownboy really just want to play with the apostates and have fun, but just does not know how to ask? Aww, it's ok brownboy, you can play, but you have to play nice and quit breaking the other kids toys.