This advert was delivered in my post this morning.
by IT Support 18 Replies latest jw friends
This advert was delivered in my post this morning.
nothing there dude.
District Overbeer
Maybe he's trying to get you to post broken images?
and it worked! *LOL*
District Overbeer
The Weeze
Here's a pic number 3 son took today while I was driving him home from Wales:
Sorry, Ken, but you can't post pics directly from your hard drive without uploading them first.
Cool pic. Looks like a bridge over the clouds (to heaven?).
Sorry for the problem viewing the picture.
I first tried posting it using Mozilla (a web browser that's similar to, but in some ways better than, Microsoft's Internet Explorer). At first it appeared to have worked okay, but then when I viewed the page the image was missing.
And yes, the image was already saved on my hard disk!
I then used MS IE and the picture seemed to upload fine. (That's how Valis first couldn't see the pic, then it suddenly appeared!)
Looking at the page now with MS IE, it still seems okay. However, looking at the same page with Mozilla (and I presume the same applies to Netscape and other derivative browsers) the image is missing.
I guess it's another trick of MS to try to retain it's grip on the browser market.
nope...image still pointing to a logical drive.. Try uploaing it w/the Files link by your profile. Then use the paper clip to attach it to your post..
District Overbeer