No Visit of Encouragement

by CaptK 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • xjw_b12

    ((( CaptK. )))

    I don't think your presence in the house had much to do with it, seeing you are attending Sunday meetings.

    I saw the same happen with my grandparents. Both had given the best years of their life to WTBTS, but had become infirm and basically house bound. We lived in a duplex, so CJ and I looked after them both.

    A few at the KH would ask me "how are your grandparents'?.. my reply was " Fine but they could use a visit, and you can ask them yourselves"

    I can count on one hand, over a period of 7 years when that happened. They received more visits from "wordly" relatives, than JWs

    JWs are so caught up in the "business", there is little time or thought to practice the love they claim they have.

    Give your mother a hug for me.


  • cruzanheart

    Welcome to the board, CaptK! I'm sorry for your grandmother -- I know how that hurts. I watched that happen to my parents, so badly that my father ended up committing suicide last year. As for the flood of words from this one:

    Please make the Truth your own, and don't let other people, or anything for that matter, dictate or alter the feeling you had when you first were baptised and the conviction that you had to never leave Jehovah's side. I am only here to bring a sense of balance for those such as yourself... Give your grandmother my warmest love and tell her that however alone she might feel at times and whatever injustices that might have befallen her from, somtimes the people that you wouldn't expect, Jehovah will never leave or forget her. Heb 6:10,. and although it doesn't seem like it at times he is watching those that govern his flock. Remember Jehovah is the ultimate Judge and he can decide upon all things being able to discern our real intenstions and motivations from our heart. Prov. 29:14, Jer 17:10. Also it is impossible for us to know Jehovah's mind on matters at times and we have to put our trust in his unsearchable judgements in order for us to continue to worship him despite these pitfalls within the congregation. Rom 11:33-36.

    I agree with Maverick -- he/she didn't say much of anything but there sure were a lot of words! Look, God created us with a useful brain and I don't think he would've given us the power of reason if he didn't want us to use it. Look around. Listen. Read. And then make up your own mind about what is truth and what isn't.

    I was a Witness for 46 years, and left in disgust 2 years ago because of the hypocrisy, lack of love, and their totally stupid stand (if you could call it that) on child abuse. After I left I prayed hard for a sign that I was doing the right or wrong thing, and I haven't yet seen anything that tells me to get back to a Kingdom Hall. It took the elders a year and a half to even come and visit me, so that shows how much they care about "lost sheep." I'm happier now, less stressed, and it's a lot easier to read the Bible and apply what Jesus told us to do now that I don't have any Pharisaical rules tying me down.

    Good luck in whatever you decide! Now, take your grandmother out for a nice Sunday brunch!



  • Strawberryfieldsforever

    Welcome to you Capk and Wild_Thing. I don't know about |3i|3|E..........I personally don't trust you one bit.


    I saw this in my own congregation too awhile back. When you're too old to be in their service, your kinda put out to pasture and forgotten about, especially those that end up in the nursing home. It's a sad thing. They're all too busy doing the all important work than showing love to those who don't have the strength to do it anymore......

  • blondie

    Interestingly, the most recent WT I got from my source as 2 study articles on the elderly in the congregation and how the elders/rank and file should be doing more to help them. Must be a big problem. But then the next point is that the elderly could DO MORE if they really tried.


  • cyber-sista

    Tell your mom I love her and would stop and have tea with her if I could.

    and I would bring her a flower too


  • willyloman
    When you read that to yourself or to your grandmother or in praire, don't just read it but meditate on it. This scripture will asses your heartcondition and you should be able to tell much from your emotional reaction when you read this scripture to Jehovah.

    The newbie (3) seems to imply that the fault is your own, regardless of the cold and indifferent attitude of the so-called spiritual shepherd who just walked on by.

    Thanks for writing that meandering mass of meaningless merde and reminding me how glad I am to be rid of this sick mindset.

  • HadEnuf

    Hello CaptK!

    You really hit a sore point with me on this one. When I was a JW, one of the things that bothered me the most was the lack of compassion for those who were IN the organization. Especially people with chronic illnesses and elderly ones. I took care of my mom for about 4 years while she lived in our town and I could count on one hand the number of times any elders came by to encourage her. During this time she had a knee replacement, shoulder surgery and numerous other surgeries. Little or no help or encouragement from the congregation...most noticeably the elders/ministerial servants were absent from her life.

    I know this hurt her very much, just as it must hurt your mother to see her "brothers & sisters" out preaching but not having the time to stop by to give her some love. It doesn't have much to do with your being DF'd. (Though I am sure some are actually fearful of entering a home inhabited by a DF'd person. When my sister's husband was DF'd they had very little encouragement or association from others during this time. But that is a load of garbage. A DF'd person sharing a home with an active JW does not rule out calls on those still involved in this most disgusting religion).

    Why do they spend so much time with people on the outside that could care less and will not give lifetime members 5 minites of encouragement.

    What it has to do with is the total lack of love within the organization. The love they preach about is non-existent. It's a fantasy they like to believe in but they do not practice.

    Cathy L.

    P.S. Oh and SURE to count your time for your remarks to CaptK. AND...don't forget to tell your local elders that you have been doing some witnessing to the poor, evil, bound for destruction at Armageddon apostates on a FORBIDDEN website.

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