I can see all over them the fingerprints of deceit, manipulation, and conceit. If you try to tell them that certain things they believe are wrong they toss you out like a rat even if you gave decades of good service to the org and you are a fine christian. To be sure these very things they know to be wrong, but they have no wish to correct them because this would be against their interests, so it is naive to wait on them to do so, they never will.
The decent thing to do is to sit down like honourable men face to face with those objecting to their opinions and by using common sense and rational arguments endevour to convince them that they, the GB, are correct. By shunning open debate, hiding in the shadows of the head quarters, and simply damning people from there, they prove themselves to be cowardly hypocrites. They invoke the theocracy card but when did God set any humans above open debate, criticism, and correction by other humans?
It all boils down to unreasonable behaviour, mind trickery and political power games. So much knowledge they know to be good for the sheep in their care but they prefer to withhold it from them.