The Culting of Christianity

by blondie 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • cameo


    I've noticed you sure are long-winded when it comes to putting your two cents in, but very short when someone asks you point blank questions. Oh well....

    Take care.

  • logansrun


    What the hell. You asked a very direct question which only required a simple answer. If you would like some form of explication with an answer please indicate so. If not, stop complaining.


  • codeblue


    Thanks for sharing the info...I found it very enlightening!!!


  • poppers

    The biggest cult is the one most are absolutely unaware of, the cult of the false self - that amalgam of beliefs and concepts one has about oneself and about everything else. It is the false self that keeps people separate from one another, from all things, and from God. It is nearly universal in scope and crosses all geographical, societal, religious and probably planetay boundaries. It is the cult that keeps one from discovering his/her own beauty, purity and unity will all creation. It is the cult that will happily abdicate control to an outside source because doing so will ensure its own survival. It is the cult that keeps one locked into "sleep" mode because to be truly awake means it is out of business, no longer in control, left with nothing to do. And because so many are unaware that they even belong to this cult there will continue to be pain, violence, and war - individually and collectively. And it is the cult that one can be deprogrammed from simply by being fully present in the moment, living life in total openness to what is, free from all judgement and analysis; but because it is so entrenched and powerful most who try to escape from it fall easily under its sway once again. Because it is familiar and known it is preferable to any alternative, even if remaining in the cult means continued pain and misery.

  • itsallgoodnow
    I've noticed you sure are long-winded when it comes to putting your two cents in, but very short when someone asks you point blank questions. Oh well....

    Yikes! I've noticed you sure are rude for post #17.... it's not that there's a rule for how many posts you need to put in before you are allowed be rude, but, Jesus! (oops, sorry for blaspheming.)

  • cameo


    Heh heh.......okay, I'll stop complaining. We'll BOTH know the real truth one second after we die, won't we?.......but you have more to lose than me.

    Blondie, I enjoyed the article as well!

  • logansrun

    I didn't think cameo was rude. Hell, we all should be able to say what's on our minds within very broad parameters. And, if she had 4017 posts as opposed to only 17, would that matter?

    It's all good now.


  • logansrun

    Here ye! Here ye! Witness the wonderful benevolence of Christian Love!

    Heh heh.......okay, I'll stop complaining. We'll BOTH know the real truth one second after we die, won't we?.......but you have more to lose than me.

    Above the gates of Hell in Dante's Inferno was a sign which stated "This too was created in eternal love." Sad, isn't it?


  • itsallgoodnow
    We'll BOTH know the real truth one second after we die, won't we?.......but you have more to lose than me.

    Hmmm... Nicely done for post #18! Not just a cut-down, but a vague threat, too!

    I admit I need to bite my tongue sometimes on this board with the whole Christianity thing. I respect others' views, but I sometimes don't respect the way they try to manipulate others into believing those views.

    It's interesting what you said about we'll know the truth one second after we die... you know, that's true. I've been thinking about how there's really no absolute proof out there one way or another, and I guess I'll just have to wait for that day to come when I do find out (or when I don't find out?). Anyway, the fear of death is worse than death, as the Roman saying went. You are relying on fear of the unknown in making your argument. Looks to me like some people just cover all their bases. I just don't see the need, that's all. If there is a god that will curse me to hell for it, then remind me why I would want to serve that God.

  • itsallgoodnow


    Ok ok, I'll get off the newbie's case... you make sticking up for you so hard!!!

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