I agree, Celtic! This is the time of year in the Dallas, Texas area where our wildflowers are bursting out, and my drive to work is less tedious in the morning because of them. Red poppies, bluebonnets, Indian paintbrushes and firewheels, pink and purple and yellow all by the side of the road where the highway people planted them. I put on the classical music station and just enjoy. Kind of makes staying in second gear for 10 miles a little easier!
When Jennie was barely two, I took her to an area in Richardson where the wildflowers are profuse, and got some beautiful photos of her standing among them, her little curls whipping around her face. So when Jackson was that age, I did the same thing. That was when I found out he's allergic to most of it, so instead of a charming photo of my beautiful son, each successive photo showed him getting more and more splotchy, with a pained expression on his face that finally gave way to tears as he scratched uncontrollably. Oops . . . .
Life isn't easy. There's good stuff and bad stuff and it's our choice as to which we focus on. I choose to focus on good things and accept the bad as part of the rich tapestry of my life, the threads that make me who I am. I grieve, but I grow strong. I cry, and I find new friends. I took a stand against the Witnesses and I found . . . FREEDOM!!!