So you think you're special huh......??

by ScoobySnax 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    personally I cannot stand Sixofnine since he gave up drownin puppies and eating kitties...


    District Overbeer

  • ScoobySnax

    Oh Valis, I thought you might appear.......I never looked at Six, not once.....honest.

  • SixofNine

    Hey, I lost my supplier, Valis.

  • acsot
    Uh, there were satanic apostofests? Which ones were satanic? At the ones i was, i noticed no hints of satanism.

    Silly fellow! You, SaintSatan, by your mere presence, made those gatherings into satanic apostafests. If SaintSatan was there, then they had to be satanic, right?

    Therefore, judging by what went on during those apostafests, the satanism must have included eating lots of good food, having great conversation and eating really decadent desserts.

    So let's bring on the satanic apostafests!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Some have met in Satanic "apostafests" and may have got the measure of each other more clearly, but how do you think others view you?

    Like most areas in life, some like me, some don't. I cannot control what others think, so I let that go. Seems simple, but it took me a long time to learn that. I used to wait for bad people to turn good, and my friends to turn on me.

    Go to E-man's BBQ Scoob. It's amazing how perceptions change once you meet someone in person. Beer helps too.

  • dagg

    sorry... but the real question is "why would i care what someone else thinks of me?" and the answer is......... i dont

  • amac

    Hey Nilfun, that's my new favorite album! Your avatar that is...

  • Sassy

    I do care what people think... although I am not living in fear of what they think either.. I'd like to think that I have some qualities that are positive that come across to people. I've had people tell me that in chat or in pms... and it is always a pleasant thing to hear. I know there are times when I am just well.. probably a little outspoken or have too much of a sexual tone in some of my comments that hopefully do not offend anyone.. I don't mean to do that..

  • nilfun


    Yeah, they're my newest crush too. Got them on repeat, of course.

    (bought SP and Switchfoot at the same time. Got a bit of buyer's regret w/ Switchfoot, chuh. *smacks self on forehead*)

  • HadEnuf

    I don't even know what I think about myself. Anyway...what other people think about me is none of my business.

    Cathy L.

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