A REALLY hard dub question.

by gumby 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • shotgun

    Gumby I'm glad you finally posted why you were df'd, now your healing can begin...

    Your University education shows in the inciteful questions you often raise

    1) Would you eat dog poop

    2) If a guy became a girl but always felt like a girl trapped in a guys body would he be able to give a pubic talk from the platform without shaving his legs which in reality are not his legs they're her legs and always have been even though for a time they were his legs not to mention the other leg which should never be touched by neet or hot wax.

    3) What day is it

  • gumby


    Hey.....I was hoping someone had a "live" experience. Thanks for sharing that. The poor daughter eh? Jeez louise!

    Shotgun you sqeelin bastard! I hadn't planned on revealing my identity till I got everyone liking me here first. My name used to be "Gumbalina". Pokey used to try and breed me all the time and so I had my nutsack taken off. It's way easier to ride a horse now though.


  • Valis


  • Puternut


  • Octavia

    If the person had a sex-change before becoming a witness, how would anyone even know that the person has not always been the same sex? I don't see how that's anyone's business... the person should be treated just as any other sister or brother in the congregation. If anyone did find out, it's my understanding that anything that has happened prior to being a witness is irrelevant; nobody cares.

  • gumby
    If the person had a sex-change before becoming a witness, how would anyone even know that the person has not always been the same sex?


    Hey.....your onto somethin there! Maybe Leo Grennless and Edward Chitty(ex-GB members) really had clams instead of dingers and that's why they liked the boys so much.......whadya think?

    As for former sins prior to dubdum.....this situation is different. It would no doubt be viewed as..."still carrying on in sin".


  • Octavia

    Ok, this may be a stretch, but just as they have no authority to say whether or not a person can have a breast augmentation, tubal ligation, vascectomy, etc, there would be no reason that anyone in the borg should be able to say anything about what anybody has in their pants!! Carrying on in sin? How? As long as they aren't doing anything to get themselves disfellowshipped, where's the sin? People who enter the organization with tattoos aren't "carrying on in sin". I guess either it doesn't make sense or I don't get it. There should not be any "action" taken against a person that has had a sex-change prior to becoming a witness any more than they would take action against a person having had any of the other procedures that I've mentioned performed. Right?

  • acsot

    Hey Octavia!

    You said:

    Ok, this may be a stretch, but just as they have no authority to say whether or not a person can have a breast augmentation, tubal ligation, vascectomy, etc, there would be no reason that anyone in the borg should be able to say anything about what anybody has in their pants!! Carrying on in sin? How? As long as they aren't doing anything to get themselves disfellowshipped, where's the sin? People who enter the organization with tattoos aren't "carrying on in sin". I guess either it doesn't make sense or I don't get it. There should not be any "action" taken against a person that has had a sex-change prior to becoming a witness any more than they would take action against a person having had any of the other procedures that I've mentioned performed. Right?
    You're totally right, of cuorse, but you're thinking logically, a wonderful by-product of post-dub life. However, logical, compassionate thinking doesn't rate high on the radar screen of the WTS, if what the CO told me is any indication.
  • Flash

    Once the birth sex became known (and we know in time it would be) the congregation would treat the individual according to his/her sex at birth. IMO

  • dh

    the universal rule might apply. if you don't know, don't tell.

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