Do some people deserve DFing

by XQsThaiPoes 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • XQsThaiPoes

    An elder (the treasurer) at our old hall was DFed for cheating on his wife. The guy is a dinosaur. He should be shunned, and have his car keyed. He was a real jerk. He even went to serve where the need is greater in some boring farm town in the middle of the usa a few years ago. If you are 16 and knock up your GF fine you shouldn't be DFed, but to have everyone?s favorite henchman get busted for cheating on his soon to be ex-wife is laughable. If he was a liberal JW then I would cut him some slack but he was the kind that interrogates you for putting time in the wrong box.

    I wana know does anyone here feel some people had DFing invented just for them?

  • Elsewhere

    I don't agree with collective shunning... but there are some people I just don't like and I avoid.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Nope he deserves collective shunning he would tape your phone conversations and play it back to the elder body. I always knew he had some probelem but now I know "and knowing is half the battle. Yo Joe!"

  • peacefulpete

    Being an azzhole, even a zealous one, is not grounds for forbidding human company and family contact.

  • Gopher

    The Bible says that Christians, through USE, should have their perceptive powers trained.

    I would think that people should be perceptive enough not to hang around such a user/abuser. There is no need to "disfellowship" in the JW style of doing so. Common sense and "perception" would allow people to figure it out for themselves without some organization or committee telling them.

    The "DF'ing and reinstatement" procedure is flawed.

  • Sassy

    I don't believe in the disfellowing at all, but it is because I know longer believe in them..

    however, I do still believe we reap what we sew.. so.. that goes around comes around.......

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Well if I did believe in the Dfing thing (which I don't) but if I did can we vote on DFing the whole GB and all the WT lawyers and the top board members of the WTS?



  • cyber-sista


  • bebu

    I think a congregation can officially remove someone... but I don't believe in the enforced shunning that the WTS requires. That's spiteful.


  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    The Entire WT$ "organisim" is rotten to the core.It cannot be reformed.

    I was going door to door in diapers since 1957.Baptized 1967.Exited 1992...

    So,I've been around the Block a few times.I was shocked when i came out to discover how gracious,kind and genuine 'worldlings' are.

    Undaunted Danny

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