The next two WT studies (which I am sure Blondie will examine for its many fallacies) make it plain that the only "good work" that counts now is preaching. And not just preaching, but house to house preaching. The constant "reminders" must mean that many are "slowing up" in that work.
According to the WT, we will never be free of the house to house preaching work since it must continue "until the end," which will come when only God knows. So keep plugging, folks.
Nothing wrong with preaching, but the Society is stuck on only one primary way to do it, and it must be done that way because the Society says so, not the Bible.
I will wait til Blondie gets to the WT comments on Acts 20:20, 21 to have a say on how the WT has thoroughly misapplied that verse about preaching house to house.
All that Jesus did for us, apparently, is not enough. If we do not preach, the Society says, and in the way the Society wants us to preach, we are doomed.