Hi byran, I've been to a few garden weddings simular to your's when only one was baptized.
Elders performing marriages
by LovesDubs 15 Replies latest jw friends
I was 18. It was a horrible marriage; accept for my wonderful daughter. Wish my father would have said no!
Any JW can perform a marriage for anyone anywhere because they are all recognized as being ordained ministers.
That was true at one time, at least in practice, but the WTS changed that with the above referenced BOE in the '70s. Reason: too many elders were performing weddings for their worldly relatives. These relatives were typically those with no religious affiliation, and of course this only occurred where the JW elder was on good terms with his worldly family. The WTS felt this conflicted with the bible charge to "marry only in the lord," and put the kibosh on it.
sorry BRYan please excuse my dislexia
Hey xjw_b12
You are a poet and don't know it! Read a few other poems on this site--maybe they should be gathered together in a collected works--wuld make some interesting reading...Yours was most excellent...
**Hi byran, I've been to a few garden weddings simular to your's when only one was baptized.**
I've been to a few too, under those "conditions"....even THEN I was irritated at the control of the Elders in people's lives.