Can someone help me?

by Morgan 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Morgan

    I must have been posting when others were. Yea, I'm slow!

    Thanks SixofNine, and Avishai for the additional info. I am reading these scriptures now.

  • outnfree


    I don't think there are "scriptural instructions" on just how to hold the legs of the babies whom the Israelites were commanded to kill in the verses cited above. But does it matter whether or not Jehovah gave such instructions or left it to the Israelites the particular method used to kill women and children? I'm sure Farkel's point was that the Israelites engaged in mass genocide while taking over the Land promised to them by Jehovah God.

    Doesn't it disturb you in the slightest that such bloodshed was required in order for an omnipotent god like Israel's Yahweh to provide his nation with a homeland? I mean, wouldn't or shouldn't it have been feasible for the Almighty God of justice, wisdom, love and strength to have put it in the hearts of the Canaanite tribes to forsake that land and migrate elsewhere?

    Unless, of course, Yahweh was not Almighty but just a vengeful, bloodthirsty tribal god?


    Edited because Blondie is correct, the verse in 2 Kings about dashing babies heads was Elisha's prophecie of what Hazael, King of Syria, would do to Israelite children.

  • Bryan
  • 2 Kings 8:12 dash their children, and rip up their women with child.
  • Main Entry: 1 dash
    Pronunciation: 'dash
    Function: verb
    Etymology: Middle English dasshen
    transitive senses
    1 : to break by striking or knocking
    2 : to knock, hurl, or thrust violently

    I think that says something about heads against the wall.


  • peacefulpete

    It's good to remember that these tales reflect the feelings and morality of the 6th century priesthood that created the conquest myth not history. These large scale genocides by the Jews just never happened, the stories were useful propaganda inspiring a sense of national pride and providence in the demoralized returning Jews.

  • Bryan
    the stories were useful propaganda inspiring a sense of national pride

    You mean like Bagdad Bob


  • avishai

    It's psalms 137:8,9

    O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy [shall he be], that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us.
    Psa 137:9Happy [shall he be], that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.
  • Fleur

    ugh. and i'm supposed to be reading this lovely book full of happy promises for the future to my child?

    hell no.

    so glad to be free...


    p.s. "baby whacking, kitty killing myth..." i love it when people call things what they really are!!! That was great Overbeer!

  • Morgan

    Thanks to all of you who supplied scriptures. I have read all the verses you provided.


    What makes you question if this bothers me? I said in my initial post that I was bothered. And, the idea that God gave instuctions on 'how' to carry it out, really disturbed me. Sorry if you thought I was being indifferent, or callous. Not the case. I was merely asking for clarification on if this was in the Bible.


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Happy shall he be who takes your little ones
    and dashes them against the rock!

    • little ones - Works (children, fruit)
    • rock - holy person/s (Jesus)

    Literal application of "this or that" spiritual saying causes problematic results, and bouts of hard-heartedness (as found in jwism).

    There are certain animals one should not "eat"

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