I haven't read the article, but I don't think they truly know what all the beasts are. Here's my take:
I agree the beasts that comes out of the abyss is the UN. It's the "scarlet colored wild beast" that destroys Babylon the Great.
Babylon the Great is not the "world empire of false religion" but represents the influence of secret societies connected with the Mysteries of ancient Babylon (Freemasonry, Illuminati, Priory of Sion, etc) and it's influence on the UN (Council of 300, Bildebergers, CFR, etc.)
THE LAMB-BEAST AND FALSE PROPHET: Are them! The GB of JWs. Note it "comes out of the earth" meaning it's associated with Jehovah's approved organization though the leadership becomes apostate. Since it is the "false prophet" it is a religious entity. This is also the same organization that produces the "evil slave" and the "Rich Man".
666 BEAST: This beast comes out of the sea and represents Christendom. The 666 is a reference to its focus on the pagan trinity doctrine.
LION: Japan. Beast has wings but loses them and becomes manlike, more humane. Japan was aggressive mlitarily during WWII then after the A-bomb became anti-nuclear and focussed on commerce instead of trying to expand the Japanese Imperial.
BEAR: This beast, lifted up on one side means it is "limping" and represents Russia and Allies. It means it is a major world power but has internal weaknesses, for instance, Russia is strong militarily and advanced in the space program and research, but weak socially and economically.
LEOPARD WITH POWER INDEED: Clearly, a military superpower, undisputed. This is the prophecy I like which shows one great superpower eventually which is what we have today, the US and allies.
THE FOURTH BEAST: This ambiguous beast is "Babylon the Great". It is killed "by fire" before the other beasts are. Babylon the Great is burned by fire by the UN.
The WTS and many others believe these are ancient successive world powers, but as you can see, if the fourth beast dies first and the others are still present, then these are not successive world powers, but concurrent world powers all existing at the same time. Also note they do not interact with one another. One does not conquer the other. Thus these are not successive world poweres but entities that exist at the same time: Japan, Russia, US and allies.
For the record.
Again, the WTS GB was "disfellowshipped" in late 1992 (just before Fred Franz died) and thrown into "spiritual darkness", so they haven't got a clue who these beasts are except for the very obvious. They got six out of seven beasts wrong!!