Reading WT Publications

by Nosferatu 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    Okay, I don't know about the rest of you, but when I read any WT publications (even on here), I fall into a state where I'm reading, but not paying attention to what I'm reading. I used to do it during Watchtower Studies, and when I was studying, I fought to pay attention to the material being discussed. It just seems automatic, that I completely shut my mind off when reading WT publications.

    What about you?

  • truthseeker1

    Sounds like a healthy reaction to me!

    Probably because its the same thing over and over again. Like a mother to her child who says "mom, mom, mom, mom, mom.." and she ignores the first 30 because she is so used to hearing it. That, and its written at a child's level. I'm sure "Hop on Pop" won't keep your attention as much as it used to.

    I remember doing the Creation book and everyone complained because it was too confusing. Hmm, watered down "science" confusing? Lets see them take a college level science course...

  • frankiespeakin

    Anytime I read a quote posted here from the WT publications,,I usually skip to a few key words to get the gist,, because i hate reading that sh!t.

    When something don't make sense to me or has lots of vagueness to it I don't waste my time,,and that's how I veiw the WT stuff.

  • Farkel

    : It just seems automatic, that I completely shut my mind off when reading WT publications.

    That's exactly what the WTS designed them to do.


  • ColdRedRain

    I can't even read them anymore, they're so nausiatingly simple and filled with circular reasoning.

  • myauntfanny

    I agree with Farkel. I think it's cleverly designed to make you go into a trance and shut down the analytical part of your brain altogether. I think it's deliberate. I really do.

  • TD

    That really sounds scary -- almost like taking in information while in somethin akin to a hypnotic state. We all have defense mechanisms against the power of outside suggestions --- call it a built-in BS filter or whatever you want.

    I think what you describe would completely bypass your mental defenses.

  • blondie

    I guess if you are reading them to get Bible is pointless.

    I read the study articles for my reviews. Otherwise, I don't have time. Actually, I started doing my reviews when I was still attending, first to keep myself amused, and later to post here


  • cyber-sista
    I agree with Farkel. I think it's cleverly designed to make you go into a trance and shut down the analytical part of your brain altogether. I think it's deliberate. I really do.

    I remember someone years ago who was having a crisis of faith. She cut up a bunch of WT magazines and did a collage book of articles--she said she knew the WT was supposed to be like the voice of her spiritual mother and she wanted to hear the mother more clearly and thought if she put the articles together that had the stongest mother voice she would feel better about her faith once more...(another victim of WT insanity). She moved away and I heard later that she had left the Org...(maybe she finally got sane) Anyway, I did hear over the years that the organization is our mother, so I imagine they are writing the articles in that voice....I can barely stand to read the WT publications at present...I feel myself slipping into that tracelike state-I haven't been out long and that creepy Org mother's voice is still too familiar to me...

  • rocketman

    When I used to read them, I'd find my mind shutting down after about three paragraphs. The hardest to follow articles were the ones they'd have about the religious developements in the middle-ages. I'd find such articles very confusing and I don't think it was because of lack of brain-power on my part. I'm no rocket-scientist (just a rocketman) but I normally have no problem reading fairly deep material. The stuff was written in such a convoluted manner that it had my head spinning.

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