Question on jw scenario

by A Paduan 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Considering the said jw pacifist stance

    A jw passes by a woman being raped and says to the perp, "Hey you shoudn't do that", and the perp says, "[edit] off", and continues - other help is quite some time away.

    What does the jw do ?

    • Make war on the perp ?
    • Pray ?
    • Witness to the victim ?
  • xLaurax

    Hmm.... well not quite sure what a 100% dedicated and commited witness would do but personally i would make war on the perp. In this way we are loving our neighbour by defending them, which is one of the things that the ministry teaches us.

    I would imagine that most Jw would do the same given the situation but could add a prayer along the way. Lol, what made you think that scenario up?


  • blondie

    Actually, many non-JWs would not do anything.

    It is a rare individual that would physically try to help unless it were a family member or close friend.

    Unfortunately, many people would not help for fear of being hurt themselves.

    Who is my neighbor?


  • xLaurax

    That's a good point blondie. In a situation like that i don't belive that it would come down to a matter of race or religion. It really does depend on the individual. Many people would protest that they would help. However, if it came into practise many people would not. To be honest i don't think anyone could truthfully anser that unless they were put under the pressure of the situation.

    Well in this case Blondie your neighbour would be the person who is being attacked as she is not the person that is in the wrong.

  • blondie

    Laura, it would be hard for most people to know what they would do. I have had physical training in how to protect myself and others in such situations. Nothing fancy like karate, but something called Chimera. The most important thing is to prepare yourself mentally. Ask yourself what you would like others to do for you in a similar situation. What could you do? How could you do it?


  • xLaurax

    Yeah i understand what you are saying but i believe that no matter how much you think about it mentally and try to 'prepare' yourself you will not be able to act in this way when put under the pressure of the situation.

    The famous saying : 'What people say and do are two different things'. Of course though if i was in that situation i would want to be helped and i respect you for preparing yourself physically for the challenge. If only school these days wasn't so jam packed i could get me some of them defence lessons. Although i have never heard of that in England? Is it a foreign thing?


  • avishai
    What does the jw do ?

    Well, i know what I would've done, and/or my dad. Not the most pacifist dub. I would pick op the nearest thing I could find and beat the shit out of him with it, 'til he's unconcious, and then call an ambulance for the lady, and the cops. Then, while i was waiting for them to show up, I'd go beat on him some more.

    That's probably what I'd still do.

  • bebu

    I think it is a good question. Even if non-JWs did nothing, their reason would be either fear or indifference as Blondie says. Would JWs follow their conscience in saving people who need help ( PR 24:11 Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. PR 24:12 If you say, "But we knew nothing about this,"does not he who weighs the heart perceive it?) Or somehow believe that neutrality is an issue here--refusing to take sides?

    If they would take sides, could it not be argued that neutrality is not always the "highest good"?


    Edited to add: wow, this thread moved fast since I hit the reply button... !

  • blondie

    It is a US non-profit organization. I wonder if there is something equivalent in the UK. I understand, Laura, that the reality does not always match our intentions. I wonder if any posters know of any.


  • xLaurax

    Would be interested to find out if there are. I'm pretty sure that i have not heard of any similar here in the UK to be honest.

    Btw, i liked the mans earlier comment about how he would use violence. That sounds good to me


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