Previously, I was content to go my own way and allow my erstwhile brothers and sisters go theirs. After all, if I am honest, I am equally delighted to be able to ignore/shun those myopic, sanctimonious little turds, as they are to ignore/shun me!
However, having read many of your posts, I'm downright bloody livid, not neccessarily with the aforementioned "myopic, sanctimonious little turds", but those grumpy, stubborn, conniving deceitful old gits in Brooklyn who have created this society of "myopic, sanctimonious little turds"!
Frankly, I couldn't give a monkeys toss about doctrine or prophecy, but I would like to see the corruption and deceit exposed! I'm sorry if this is a little too strong and I hope not to be to heavily censored, but this has jolly well got my bloody dander up!
What can we do to nail these suckers! What can I individually do, to help bring these cranky, geriatric enemies of freedom and human decency down to their knees?