Since Jesus spoke about the "doing of good" towards (our) fellow man, it seems only reasnable that these HUMANE good works would be pleasing AS what might be termed as "Christian-related" actions. They would most certainly "build up" one another and promote the faith of Christianity. It's basically simple. You see a "need" and fulfill it...if and when you are able.
ALL these trappings of endless everchanging doctrines and having to "study" neverending streams of books and literature which becomes totally obsolete at the whim of an FDS pen, and more endless meetings rehashing the same teachings of a particular belief "du jour"---are ALL so meaningless in the bigger picture of things.
The JW's hectic treadmill existance is SUCH an incredible waste---a waste of energy, a waste of resources and a waste of time---which COULD be focused on TRUE love of "neighbor" to CARE for one another, as Jesus himself instructed.
Jesus did feed the hungry, care for the sick, and give to those in need, because these "needy ones" would always be among you......."your neighbors" wherever you may live----are the very ones he asked us to recognize, and offer a hand of kindness. WHERE do Jehovah's Witnesses stand on this command? Volunteering at shelters, soup kitchens and warm clothing distributions for the needy during harsh winter months?
No, their admitted major focus in dealing with the public within their to place the Watchtower Society's LITERATURE with them---and never feel a pang of guilt about this at all. I have YET to see a hungry child THRILLED at receiving a Watchtower magazine instead of a warm meal, have you?
And....I wonder....WHY does the Watchtower go to such overly "grand" reasonings on such simple requests of the Master to care for others in need?? These extremes of all the stupid and unnecessary predictions of dates that only Jesus knows (of ONE date), as to WHEN this human suffering will end---and all the ridiculous statements about when Jesus re-appeared as invisible that cannot be proven and THAT whole confusing mess of twisted scriptures. These unfulfilled doctrines and foolish predictions have absolutely NO bearing on what the WTS could be DOING TODAY to benefit mankind in a positive AND beneficial way!
These goofy and foolish old doctrines and not-so-old predictions have ALL fallen apart at the seams and have had to be revised repeatedly, with more to come apparently! WHY make everything SO complicated?? I ask you---What REAL good does this DO??
Jesus's simple message of love, was a contrast to the Pharasaical endless rules imposed on folks in his day.....and YET----the Watchtower has stepped in and taken over the lists of endless unnecessary rules for THIS time period, hands down! WHY??? For anyone who hasn't seen this yet..see: for a list of all the "don't do's" applied to Jehovah's Witnesses. The Pharisees had it easy, compared to JWs! It's mindboggling!
The WTS has always pridefully boasted that it "doesn't water down" the "truth"...but----it has gone so far over the edge to "prove" that it supposedly doesn't, that it has now become an endless tangle of lies, deceit, revisions and mistakes upon mistakes--ALL, of course, taught as TRUTH at one time or another!
Q~Does "God" change the "truth" of the Bible every few years?
A~No, but the Watchtower Society does.
Q~Whatever happened to the thought at Matt 11:30, "My yoke is kindly and my load is light"?
A~The Watchtower Society decided that God spoke to them and changed that too.