Usually when someone gives you the number of beers they had, you can double it and get the true number. 
Tisn't the case this time. I'm usually a pretty responsible drinker and usually keep track of what and how many I drink and in what order because you know the saying of beer before whiskey. Anyway, I thought about it and counted exactly how much beer that I did drink.
So to be technical, here's my rundown: I drank 1 gueness before I ever got there at about 12:30 in the afternoon. At about 3pm:, I started on Killians, I had 3 killians over the course of two hours, I then went and ate pizza and had 2 bud lights during the hour that I ate pizza, then I went back to the club that I'd been at before and according to my pocket book and the fact that Killians were $1.50 for draft and I gave $2 every time, I had 5 more killians between 7pm and 10pm, giving me a complete hour of no drinking at all before I got the follow the finger test. So, it was 11 beers in all if you count the 1 gueness earlier in the day, 8 killians, and 2 bud lights, all done and finished a full hour before I got arrested.
My only problem with the situation was that he didn't give me any other tests, such as walking a straight line, saying the alphabet, standing on one leg, breathalizer, etc. Then I wasn't read any rights, just cuffed and put in the car. If I failed muiltiple tests and a breath test then I'd have no qualms about it, it would have been obvious and I wouldn't feel the need to fight the charges.