First time in Jail

by Descender 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • confusedjw

    Looking at it from the cops view they have likely seen many many drunken car deaths. So in that situation anyone who is drunk that they *think* might go for a ride - nip it in the bud.

    I'm sorry for your trouble, don't get me wrong, but I had a friend get hit by a drunken driver. I think both of them would have been happy to have had a cop intervene.

    Rather than a scam it might be them trying to prevent something worse. idunno

  • jgnat

    Likely from the cop's point of view, a false arrest for public intoxication is better than another drunk driver death.

    Sounds like you can beat the charge, fight it!

  • roybatty
    It was about 11pm at the time and I'd been there since 3pm that afternoon, I'd drinken about 10 killians drafts since I'd gotten there.

    Easy solution to avoid this problem, just don't drink that much when out in public. Usually when someone gives you the number of beers they had, you can double it and get the true number. :smile:

    Here in Illinois, 1/2 of the traffic fatalies are alcohol related. I'm not saying you did anything wrong and maybe the cop overreacted but I'd rather have him error on the side of caution then letting someone intoxicated drive.

  • Descender
    Usually when someone gives you the number of beers they had, you can double it and get the true number. :smile:

    Tisn't the case this time. I'm usually a pretty responsible drinker and usually keep track of what and how many I drink and in what order because you know the saying of beer before whiskey. Anyway, I thought about it and counted exactly how much beer that I did drink.

    So to be technical, here's my rundown: I drank 1 gueness before I ever got there at about 12:30 in the afternoon. At about 3pm:, I started on Killians, I had 3 killians over the course of two hours, I then went and ate pizza and had 2 bud lights during the hour that I ate pizza, then I went back to the club that I'd been at before and according to my pocket book and the fact that Killians were $1.50 for draft and I gave $2 every time, I had 5 more killians between 7pm and 10pm, giving me a complete hour of no drinking at all before I got the follow the finger test. So, it was 11 beers in all if you count the 1 gueness earlier in the day, 8 killians, and 2 bud lights, all done and finished a full hour before I got arrested.

    My only problem with the situation was that he didn't give me any other tests, such as walking a straight line, saying the alphabet, standing on one leg, breathalizer, etc. Then I wasn't read any rights, just cuffed and put in the car. If I failed muiltiple tests and a breath test then I'd have no qualms about it, it would have been obvious and I wouldn't feel the need to fight the charges.

  • Satanus


    Write that all out in as much detail as possible, including the cellphone/key thing, and exactly where your car was parked etc. Bring it all to your trial. The judge may give that cop some negative attention.


  • Odrade

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