crisis of conscience....please help

by boa 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • boa

    allo folks....

    Please tell me if you think a Jehovah's Witness could read Crisis of Concience and continue to be a JW after finishing it?

    Since I have heard vague stories that there are some who have continued to be a jw, please relate the story and how you think this could be.

    I read it after hearing about it on this site and then went and borrowed it from the library. It was a Very well worn older copy and it affected me deeply. I would never be able to concienciously go back to the organization since reading that book and several others. The reasoning, moderate, kind approach of that book definitely helped to convince me of many things - it had the 'ring of truth'. I feel that if I can eventually get the father in law to read this book, then all will be well.


  • simplesally
    how you think this could be.

    By putting their head back in the sand. Some people just don't want to rock the boat or aren't ready for change at this point. Either they have family and friends holding them back or prominent positions. At some point, they may change their mind when they can't stand it anymore.

  • Joyzabel

    I agree with simplesally. "by putting their head back in the sand".

    I gave CoC to my brother (who was at bethel the same time I was in the 70's), he claimed he read it, but I know he just skimmed it. All he wanted to know was what happened to Ray. That was over 3 years ago. He still goes to meetings (talk about a drone). His wife is more upset about the abuse issue because she used to be Catholic and hates how the WTBTS down grades them while they are allowing sexual preditors in the congregation.

    But go figure. As soon as I read CoC, while an active witness, I wanted to "quite touching the unclean thing". But hubby convinced me to try the fade thing so that we could get through to our family before we were kicked out.

    Everyone has to do what is best for them and their situation but I still scratch my head over any JW reading CoC and still being loyal to an organization. A publishing organization.


  • kibizzle

    Boa I agree with Sally. Plus I think that is why many of them refuse to even look at the Ray Frantz books or the UN letter, because if they did they may have to admit they are wrong. I know my family will not look at any of it. I have tried to get them to see the flaws in the org. and they just brush it off as Ray being an apostate, so they won't read his stuff. To them it is designed to make people want to leave the org.

    I dunno, I read CofC and I am not "following" Ray Frantz so I fail to see their point. Kib

  • Satanus

    I know somebody who has read it a few times, but is still connected to the wt org, still goes to some meetings, still likes to rehash wt doctrines. I think he's a bit retarded, seriously. The abuse he recieves there makes him feel like ... somebody. Strange. Oh well.


  • shera

    I'm finally getting the book sent to me threw mail.I can't wait to read it!

    I am hoping I will be able to get someone to read it as well.

  • Rescripting_myself

    It is difficult to comprehend how one read c of c and remain a JW from the heart. One can of course remain in the org for other reasons such as family but in their heart not be a JW which I find understable. Such a person would just be going through the motions devoid of conviction and dedication until such a time as they can comfortably cut links with wbts.

  • ThiChi

    Well, when I read COC, I was still an elder, and I realized that it was another manmade religion, Imperfect, but what human religion does not fall into this category?

    However, as related to the Christian experience, I then believed at that time, the JWs got it right on House to House, Blood and the Elder arrangement, God?s Name, etc., teachings. So I continued on, until I read Franz second Book, "In Search of Christian Freedom."

    This information opened my eyes to most of the JW teachings, seeing now legalistic the Elder arraignment was, the 1914 stuff, the Blood issue and even Gods Name and what was really important in Service to God, or, how issues could be seen with different viewpoints to the matter, not just what "Mother" says....

    ...So, I DA myself.

  • gumby
    please relate the story and how you think this could be..........................

    ......... it had the 'ring of truth'.

    People who unwilling to look at things so out of fear. That fear can close a persons eyes. For some.....they STILL believe there MUST BE a people god is happy with, as other religions in general does not satisfy them. There must be truth somewhere they reason. They will throw out all the negatives......and only see the good points the Organisation offers.

    There are a few on this board who read the book......and many otherbooks, AND had the tutoring from ex-dubs as to why the Organisation is bogus........and it took them 10 years to leave the cult. Scooby is an example of one who know all the smut on this Organisation.........and still clings to it. I don't understand it......but I guess not all see the same things in with same understanding.


  • bikerchic


    I am just starting to read Franz second Book, "In Search of Christian Freedom" after reading CoC I couldn't wait to read his second book however, this is the second or third time I've started this book. Now I truly think I'm at a place where I am finding it interesting, I'm determined to finish it this time!

    That being said I will quote from page 6 the Forward to the book what Franz said himself, I think it gives at some insight why many JW's won't even read CoC to begin with:

    "Many of Jehovah's Witnesses have become disillusioned by teachings or predictions that proved false, others by the rigidity of certain policies, or by the pressure for engaging in a constant treadmill of organizationally programmed activity that brings little of genuine spiritual uplift. What is needed is to see the root cause of such fallacies, of the authoritarian nature of the policies, or of the futility of such programmed works. I believe that without an understanding of the Scriptural teachings involved one cannot see clearly that root cause and cannot see that there is something better and more genuine open to them. Unfortunately, the average Witness has never been aided to develop a good personal understanding of the Scriptures. As an organization member there was little encouragement to use his or her thinking powers other than to accept and, in effect, to commit to memory whatever information was supplied by the organization, submitting almost automatically to its directives. Questions, one of the mind's most powerful tools, were negatively portrayed as evidence of lack of faith, a sign of disrespect for God's approved channel of communication."

    Like it's been said already, digging their head in the sand could be one way to avoid the issues of disillusionment with the B'org or the old stand by.........waiting on Jehovah! UGGG!!!

    boa, for me the real problem would be to even get one of my die hard JW family to read CoC to begin with. I could only hope that even IF they did read it it would at least be a start of them seeing the truth about the troof.?

    Here's to hoping!


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