I am just starting to read Franz second Book, "In Search of Christian Freedom" after reading CoC I couldn't wait to read his second book however, this is the second or third time I've started this book. Now I truly think I'm at a place where I am finding it interesting, I'm determined to finish it this time!
That being said I will quote from page 6 the Forward to the book what Franz said himself, I think it gives at some insight why many JW's won't even read CoC to begin with:
"Many of Jehovah's Witnesses have become disillusioned by teachings or predictions that proved false, others by the rigidity of certain policies, or by the pressure for engaging in a constant treadmill of organizationally programmed activity that brings little of genuine spiritual uplift. What is needed is to see the root cause of such fallacies, of the authoritarian nature of the policies, or of the futility of such programmed works. I believe that without an understanding of the Scriptural teachings involved one cannot see clearly that root cause and cannot see that there is something better and more genuine open to them. Unfortunately, the average Witness has never been aided to develop a good personal understanding of the Scriptures. As an organization member there was little encouragement to use his or her thinking powers other than to accept and, in effect, to commit to memory whatever information was supplied by the organization, submitting almost automatically to its directives. Questions, one of the mind's most powerful tools, were negatively portrayed as evidence of lack of faith, a sign of disrespect for God's approved channel of communication."
Like it's been said already, digging their head in the sand could be one way to avoid the issues of disillusionment with the B'org or the old stand by.........waiting on Jehovah! UGGG!!!
boa, for me the real problem would be to even get one of my die hard JW family to read CoC to begin with. I could only hope that even IF they did read it it would at least be a start of them seeing the truth about the troof.?
Here's to hoping!