1.Give it back to Mexico
2.Use it as a nationwide dump
3.Test WMD's there
4. Nothing. One good tornado will return it to it's pristine state.
5. Call it Southern Oklahoma
by IronGland 71 Replies latest social current
1.Give it back to Mexico
2.Use it as a nationwide dump
3.Test WMD's there
4. Nothing. One good tornado will return it to it's pristine state.
5. Call it Southern Oklahoma
Given the number of x-jw's there (including my mother & three of my brothers), perhaps a secession is in order.
eh and all this time we were trying to figure out what to do w/the rest of you! *LOL*
District Overbeer
There is a reason why Texas is the only state which can pull out and become it's own country.
To get away from the rest of you guys!
Hey ...don't tread on Texas.
We were our own country had our own Navy, Army, Congress & President. Texas was never conquered, so there. na na na naaaaa na!
Don't make us come over there now, hear ? lol
You should come down and vistit some apostababes. Then your feelings WILL change!
Surrender to it.
Don't mess with Texas! We'll fck you up!
Personally, I wouldn't blame Texas one bit if it wanted to become it's own independant country. They certainly could do it. I LOVE Texas!
The Cajun Triangle (Port Arthur, Beaumont, Orange) already has its heart in Louisiana and really belongs there. Maybe the rest of the state could twin with Alaska , thus assuring its place in the sun again as the biggest state. Ha.