XMEN all the way!!
Favourite comic book or comic book hero ?
by El blanko 21 Replies latest jw friends
I always liked, and still do but don't read them anymore, Archie and Veronica and Betty and Jughead and Reggie.
Me too! They were such idiots, but I loved them.
Definitely siding with myauntfanny, or should I say my Dear Old Aunt Petunia?
Whatever floats your boat, babe, but why? Wait, was their an Aunt Petunia in there? I've forgotten that. Has anyone read Cavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon? If you're a comics freak it is the ultimate novel, all about the history of comics, and a fantastic read besides. -
That second quotes is for CaptainSchmideo but for some reason his name didn't show up even though I DID type it. Wierd.
Having the ability to be everywhere at once... except for here... Elsewhere can never be here... that is my inherent weakness.
"aunt Petunia" is an expression that The Thing would use from time to time, ie: "In the words of my Aunt Petunia, IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIME!!!"
Sassy in her Shadowcat days.. -->
The Crow...I want to be able to come back from the dead and kick ass...
All of the X-Men/Women............and especially Wolverine!
You silly humans...have you not seen the destructive power of STUUUUPERDUCK
Spiderman close second
I'm also a Wolverine fan...classic antihero tough guy.
Psylocke...and the White Queen....