You will never believe this, it is ridiculous. We moved into the country 2 months ago. Since we moved into here, our neighbors accross the street never keep their dogs in their yard. All hours of the day and night those dogs roam all over the place, once we caught them at 3:00 in the morning barking on our back porch. Anyway, our puppy is a Boston Terrier-Chihuahua mix, his dogs are big (German Sheppards). Our dog went into heat and is kept on a leash. Yesterday morning when we let our dog out, we caught his two dogs trying to mount her and drag her into the woods. All morning I kept having to shoo those dogs out of our yard (yes, I know it is insinct on the dogs part, but this is an ongoing problem in the neighborhood). Anyway, I finally had enough and called Animal Control. The officer came out and told me that he wished that the dogs were in my yard when he was here because he has nothing to prosecute without seeing them in our yard. That he had other calls, but everytime he comes out the dogs are sitting in their front yard, innocent as can be. Anyway, he went over to their yard and what happens, the dogs come running up into our yard trying to get our dogs. Would not leave. Nobody was home and he couldn't catch the dogs, so he left them a ticket on their door telling them within 24 hours they need to have those dogs penned or leashed up or he was taking them. By the time my husband came home from work, the neighbors were also home and not to happy that we called "the law" on them. My husband was driving up the driveway and low and behold the dogs were in our yard and the lady was outside just letting them roam into our yard. My husband stopped the car and yelled at the dogs and got into a war of words with the lady. Then the husband came home, tried telling us what we should do in OUR YARD and boy did it go from there. I feel like I have a war on my hands now, the neighbor threatened that if our dog gets off her leash and he ever sees her down there he will shoot her. Then when all was said and done and we were in the house, you hear this hugh BOOM outside. I don't know if he shot something or that was just our warning that he has a gun and isn't afraid to use it. It amazes me that Animal Control took two dogs away from them before we moved out here (not by us calling), then took two more dogs away 2 weeks after we moved in (again, not by us calling), and has been out there warning them about these last two dogs 4 or 5 times, but this is all our fault!!
by five_crew 11 Replies latest jw experiences
this morning I was taking the boys up to the bus and all of a sudden over night there was only one dog left. I wonder.............was that gunshot we heard last night him killing the other dog?
Black Sheep
I certainly hope so.
They sound like a couple of jerks.
I hope they didn't kill the other dog....I'm such a dog lover, that I would hate to think of that happening. The owners seem like more of the problem than the dogs, even though the dogs are a problem. If the dogs are not trained correctly then the fault lies more with the humans. People like that should not be allowed to have dogs if they can't handle them or take responsibility if their dogs cause problems. My dogs are not perfect and have gotten out before, but at least I try to keep them on my property and have worked to train them to stay on our land and don't leave them out unsupervised. You know, even if they didn't care about you neighbors, which they obviously don't, they should think of their dogs own safety and want to keep them on their own land. Like I said, some people shouldn't have animals.....(or neighbors, for that matter, if they can't act any better than that..... :-) )
Special K
I'm a dog person tooo.
But dogs are not meant to be left roaming around freely in everybody else's yard. On top of that the owners don't want to listen to reason. Sounds like talking to them is like pounding your head against the wall
And two german shepards barking on your back porch at 3 o'clock in the morning is just insane.
Sounds like this move you made next to these neighbours is going to be nothing but strife in your life. If things don't change I'd consider selling ASAP and moving.
The owners sound like a couple of wackos.
Special K
Country Girl
The owners are jerks for not keeping their dogs in their own yards. The fact that Animal Control has come out and taken their dogs a couple of times before shows how little they value an animals' life, which in my book makes them scumbags. In our state, if a dog comes on your land you can kill it, since it may be a danger to your livestock. At least in the country you can. Although I certainly don't condone shooting any animal, in some states you do have that right. I certainly hope that you follow this up and call AC any time you see the dogs in your yard. You may even try to take a digital pic of it should you have to go to small claims for damages in the future.
Holy crap...what a situation to be in....gawd the only way it could be worse is if they were my neighbours....whew
I've got a Boston too, and for as much as I love dogs, I'd honest to god pop a pellet in its @ss if it mounted my little guy. In fact, I shot a mongrel dog that kept wandering into my yard, with my pellet gun. Problem was she was so mangy and hairy that she sort of "scowled" at me and loped off.
On a side note, since I love talking about the little Mister...
My in-laws have a german shepard and she beats the snot out of Mister. He promptly rolls off his back and begins snapping at her face and tail again. Have you found that Boston's aren't always the brightest bulbs?
Oh yah, I meant to ask you where you moved here from? Some place really far away and foreign like..the UK?