Criticism of Bush from ME

by Yerusalyim 26 Replies latest social current

  • itsallgoodnow

    I think what Yeru's saying here is reflected in what I see other people saying about Bush, and they aren't in the armed forces. People are not excited about this upcoming election, and from what I'm hearing, even though they don't trust Bush, they don't like Kerry enough to get rid of Bush. I won't be surprised to see Bush stay in office another 4 years. One of the drawbacks of a 2 party system.

    You have to be pretty naive to ask Yeru how he can reconcile his religious and patriotic/militaristic views, after all, Yeru's not the first god fearing person involved in the military. Religion has a long track record of supporting war, whether christian or otherwise. It's not about peace and love, that's just the party line. It's more about politics than anything, IMO.

  • Yerusalyim


    It's also about the greater good sometimes being accomplished through war. Had the world not fought back against Hitler...where would we all be now? A brutal dictator has been eliminated...which is a good thing...unless the US screws the pooch on this issue and lets politics get in the way of victory and security. If terrorists in Italy were using the Vatican to launch attacks against the Italian government...I would understand the Italians leveling the place...while mourning the loss of the precious art and architecture...less so if the citizens of Rome/Vatican City did little or nothing to evict the terrorists and clergy were supporting the wanton murder they were committing. In the same respect...if a mosque is being used as a military base, it's now a military base, not a mosque...LEVEL IT.

  • bebu

    Is 100% agreement with any candidate (or party) necessary? Or healthy? Such strong expectations make it hard for me to associate with any political party.

    In the same respect...if a mosque is being used as a military base, it's now a military base, not a mosque...

    I think this mirrors what Jesus taught/did: if the money changers are turning the temple into a market, either THEY must go, or the place is now a den of thieves (corrupted house of worship).

    Militant muslims seem to consider mosques a kind of "base" in tag, where the Rules say you are Untouchable there... no matter what you use it for... they are certainly putting their own buildings at risk for the rest of their fellow-Muslims.


    who usually avoids political threads because of the animosity...

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    Yeru, just another perspective on some of your points -

    Healthcare, your example is what happens when you have too much beauracracy and red tape. here we have a damn good national health service which while over stretched is still damn fine and provides a very good level of service free at the point of delivery, not just to those with health insurance. Your country CAN afford it, you just need to look at European models as a basis (not all obviously, the health system in Greece is appalling)

    Falluja - Its a fine line you walk. Your 'take no prisoners and dont talk to terrorists' approach is naive and a little arrogant. These 'insurgents' have gained much popularity because the US on the ground have showed contempt of the locals and their customs. The more local friendly respectful approach is removing some of the heat from the situation and reducing the support from the bad guys. I've got friends on the ground there and have got some very intersting first hand accounts of the professionalism displayed out there

    Kerry's military history - roflmao, dude your asswipe Bush is on quick sand on this one

  • ThiChi

    Bush is improving with the Isreal issue........

  • Yerusalyim
    'insurgents' have gained much popularity because the US on the ground have showed contempt of the locals and their customs

    Actually, they've gained ground because they've made the US look weak and indecisive.

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    no, thats a red herring from the hawks.

    All first hand reports show that people are supporting insurgents because the US has made their lives worse - no water, electricity, jobs....

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    actually a prime example is Gaza. Hammas are an organisation which supports random murder of Israelis but they have strong grassroot support ebcause they make peoples lives better by operating food kitchens and help programs in neighbourhoods with no jobs and no money

  • IronGland
    Because John "What Medals" Kerry is far worse in the options he proposes.

    as opposed to George "What national guard duty? I've got a cocaine habit to support" Bush?

  • Yerusalyim


    Ya gotta stop listening to the leftist news organizations and start talking to the soldiers coming home from Iraq. Half the class I'm teaching right now has Iraq and or Afghan experience.


    The difference being that Bush was able to prove he did serve while in Alabama...and didn't deny inhaling...Kerry is getting a bum wrap in one sense...medals and ribbons are interchangable terms in the military...the simple fact that he did what he did (throwing away those medals) and is proud of it disqualifies him for service as President in the minds of most soldiers. Not to mention he says he and others committed war attrocities on a regular basis...yet he didn't report it?

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