Yeeha! Huge storm breaking right over my office, shaking the walls and everything! Gawd I love thunderstorms!! Any others here who feel more alive during a storm?
by maybesbabies 11 Replies latest jw friends
I love 'em.......
especially when I have company....
I do too...rain is so rythmic....I have another friend who is a seattle native. she says she hates rain but loves storms...
My son likes it long as he's inside. Plus, thunder is a common reminder of how powerful nature is.
I hate thunderstorms, because my cat gets scared and pees on the floor when she hears thunder.
She also gets scared when the snowblower passes, and pees on the floor when she hears the snowblower and the rumbling sound it makes.
And she also gets scared when I bring her in the car, and you know what....
Imagine what she would do if she was in the car, during a thunderstorm, when the snowblower was passing near....
so, the term "scaredycat" leaves a stink in the air? lol
I do hate storms when they cancel my last weekend ($160 down the drain...literally)
Yes!!! I love thunderstorms! We don't get enough here...
got my forty homey?
There is something very powerful about thunderstorms. The wind, the noise, the fear it puts in animals. Once in Puerto Rico a bolt struck a palm tree a few yards from a beach house we were taking cover in. What a loud horrible banging noise! And from outer space you can see hundreds of thunder storms thorughout the world at any one time. Then theres the thunderstorms we dont see, like blue and red balls that never reach the earths ground.
I love thunderstorms. I feel they have energy and power just as the ocean does. I don't get them enough where I live so I have a CD of nothing but Thunderstorms.
I lived on Oahu once where there are supposed to never be thunderstorms. I must have brought them with me because we had one on the leeward side of the island where it only rained once every six weeks for 15 minutes or so.
I love rain. I get depressed if it stays too sunny for too many days.
Sirius Dogma
I sooo miss T-storms. We get them maybe once a year in Cali and even then they are weak. Most of the rain is drizzle-like, no downpours, no shaking walls and booming light and no lighting candles out of necessity. But we get 9 months of sun and no snow, so I guess it evens out.
I love thunderstorms !
The energy and mysteries they hold.