Is all religion really a "snare and a racket"?
Why is the CO an unapproachable a**hole? Is he trying to be a DO?
Is dragging a 5 year old in a suit out in field service in 90 degree heat a form of child abuse?
If growth in membership is a sign of Jah's blessing...why are many other religions growing much faster?
Does Jehovah really give a sh*t?
Can I get df'd for pissing in my pants in brother elder's new 4 door car?
Does Jehovah know if I "fake the knock"?
What's the technical requirements to become a window washer?
Is leading a double life wrong only if I get caught?
Why can't I get married at 17? Am I past the "bloom of youth, yet?"
Is wanting to scr*w sister Hooters a sin against the holy spirit?
How come my the ministry school parts always suck? Am I an idiot?
Does satan have a sense of humor?
How many tons of depression medication are taken by JW's in the US each year? How can I get some?
Why do my school friends think I'm a brainwashed moron?
Who needs college?
When will the "truth" make me one of the "happiest people on earth?" If not, can I get my money back?