A Culture Infatuated With Misery

by metatron 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    I asked an older sister - and an elder elsewhere, "What went wrong?". I got the same answer - envy. If you're successful, they'll hate you. Did I have to fail to inspire them?

    And they hate if you if your clever and they despise a fool -- till you so fucking crazy you cant follow their rules -- a working class hero is something to be JOHN LENNON

  • exjdub

    Reminds me of an illustration that I read concerning the struggle to succeed:

    Take a basket of crabs and watch them. While the vast majority stay at the bottom of the basket, one or two crabs will try and escape by crawling up the side of the basket. At the point that the escaping crab almost reaches freedom, someone from the bottom of the basket will reach a claw up and pull the crab back to the bottom. Rather than work to escape, they foil any attempt for others to gain freedom.

    Although not in the illustration... I always imagine that if crabs could talk they would say as they are pulling the escaping crab back to the bottom of the basket: "Where else would we go"?


  • Satanus

    Very interesting, and true. I painted in the house of a hard working successful russian family a while ago. They were three generations in the same house: grandmother about 80 yrs, mother about 50, daughter and husband about 25-30 yrs. Daughter and husband in real estate sales. The mother said the same thing about the russian mentality, they don't like their people to succed.

    I understand why jws are like that, but i wonder from where the russians got it, maybe the bolshevick revolution that destroyed russia, and then two world wars on or near their territory, leaving it a shell of a country.


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