Love your site!

by toota 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • toota

    I stumbled on this site by accident ( I was trying to find a recipe believe it or not.) and have spent hours reading threads here.

    I was raised as a Roman Catholic with a Catholic mother and Protestant father. In the 40's, my parents weren't allowed to marry in the Catholic church unless they signed an agreement that all of their children would be raised as Catholic. From the age of 6, I attended catechism every Monday until I made my First Communion and finally my Confirmation at age 12. The final chapter of my Catholic experience was when the Tribunal allowed my ex husband to have our marriage annulled.

    Although I was traumatized by those experiences, I've always felt spiritually connected my search for answers (in the 50's and 60's the Roman Catholic church recited everything in latin) regarding the Bible, I was introduced to Jehovah's Witnesses through a distant cousin.

    For over two years, I studied and asked questions, attended various meetings, studies and social gatherings. I found the studies pretty interesting and would have quite happily and most likely continued studying, but things began to appear insidious with this unyielding pressure to be baptized and I found myself losing my sense of spirituality. I was devastated by this sense of loss and the people I was studying with seemed surprised that this was happening to me. They were not curious as to why, but I knew it was because I was being made to feel unworthy, not unlike the Catholic rearing I'd had as a child. I had alienated my family and friends and felt very much alone.

    I left them ten years ago, and have gradually become agnostic. The irony of discovering this site has not been lost on me and I'm delighted to have found you!

    Thank you, one and all!


  • patio34

    Well, hello Toota,

    What a very nice introduction and story! I was raised Catholic, but became a Jehovah's Witness for 28 years. But 3 years ago, "woke up." I'm pretty much an atheist, I guess, since I don't believe in God, lol.

    Well, I'm looking forward to more of your posts and hope you enjoy the forum. Personally, it's the only one I've found that I really like. I've met several of the people here, including Simon, the proprietor, and they're great. We have get-togethers pretty often in different parts of the world.


  • ohiocowboy

    Hello there, and a BIG welcome to you!!!

    My family was also Catholic, until I was age 6, and my family joined the JW's. I think you will find a lot of neat stuff on this site, Some Serious, some fun, and some just plain crazy-(In a good sorta way!!!)


  • Purza

    Welcome Toota!

    I hope you will find some good discussion and insights here. I know I have.

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Hi Toota and welcome to the forum! I agree - what a FIND! Looking forward to hearing more from you.

  • Leolaia

    Hey toota! It's great to have you on board. If you want to weigh in on any of these threads, we would love to hear your point of view from both your Catholic experience and from what you saw as you studied with the witnesses.

    Here is a post from today you may have seen that reminded me of what you just wrote:

  • Corvin

    Welcome Toota! Make yourself at home. We'll leave the (new) light on for you.


  • toota

    Thanks for the link Leolaia,

    When I moved to the city I live in now, the JW's here periodically knocked on my door. It took two visits for them to stop coming here.

    I wasn't rude, but I let them know that the emptiness in my life happened because they had helped me alienate my friends and family; I could fix that by admitting I acted stupidly and ask for their forgiveness. The heart wrenching emptiness in my soul however, was another matter and to debate it with scripture was insulting.

    I was never able to understand how they could seem so wise and welcoming and yet so insensitive.

    Thank you Corvin for leaving the light on for me.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Welcome to the JWD Forum, Toota! So happy to have you're story is very interesting....I started out as a Catholic, was in the borganization (WTS) for about 20 yrs. and now am agnostic, but that's moot, too...heh

    I'm so glad you found this site and hope you truly enjoy all the wonderful personalities of the fun-loving and caring ppl on this board, chere!

    Looking fwd to hearing more from ya!

    Frannie B

  • blondie

    Welcome, toota. It's nice to know that JWD attracts people like you. I was an "active" JW when I first came here, now inactive and have faded away. I find a lot to support and encourage me here.

    Blondie, glad you found us

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