"identifying the wild beast and its mark"
"Accordingly, this first beast of Revalations represents the combined forces of all political rule oppossed to God in the world."
"This does not mean, however, that every human ruler is a direct tool of satan. Indeed, in one sense, human governments serve as "God's minister", giving structure to human soceity, without which choas would rule. And some leaders have protected fundemental human rights, including the right to engage in true worship--something that Satan does not want."
Retraction followed by disclaimer. The only UN hint is a small footnote to see the 28th chapter of the revalation book. Which is mostly anti-american.
which has this also note the imaige of the beast changes to who ever the WTS says it is ate the time.
*** re chap. 28 p. 195 Contending With Two Ferocious Beasts ***
Since World War II, the image of the wild beast?now manifested as the United Nations organization?has already killed in a literal way. For example, in 1950 a UN force took the field in the war between North Korea and South Korea. The UN force, along with the South Koreans, killed an estimated 1,420,000 North Koreans and Chinese. Similarly, from 1960 to 1964, United Nations armies were active in the Congo (now Zaire). Moreover, world leaders, including popes Paul VI and John Paul II, have continued to affirm that this image is man?s last and best hope for peace. If mankind fails to serve it, they insist, the human race will destroy itself. They thus figuratively cause to be killed all humans who refuse to go along with the image and worship it.?Compare Deuteronomy 5:8, 9.