Hello to all on this website. A brief intro...I am 30, was df'd at 26 (on my b-day no less) should have been df'd a long time ago. I have no complaints about being out of the organization now, however the initial shock going through the loss of friends and family took some time to get over. I am now in the Navy. I just got back from Iraq. I was/am a Navy combat medic attached to infantry in the Marine Corps. I absolutely LOVE my job. need to be told how to think and what to believe. And all this and more is in part, what organized religions provide. A routine. A method. An explanation. There is a great security and sense of comfort gained in having answers. So when I think of the Witnesses and the Watchtower organization, I say, if it helps you to draw closer to God, if it helps to make you a better person. If it provides steps to make your life better, then mission accomplished. I know Witnesses claim to have the "truth". Fact is, so do many other religions. We all would like to think that we have some "right on the money" understanding of Scripture and prophecy. I am sure that if I performed my own set of Scriptural acrobatics, I could come to some sort of conclusion as to how my life fulfills certain prophecy and that here is what it all means. I have decided instead that any conclusions I come to - or anybody else for that matter - are wrong. We have to recognize our own fallibility. If we are to suggest sole spokesmanship for God, we better have it right. There are the endless debates that can be held regarding doctrine. I am not here to argue dates, question the liability to be had by the Society for their ignorant approach to medicine, hash up old history of 'so and so did this,' or any of the other common approaches to arguing the Witnesses. It's been done so much, most of what one hears or finds is simply redundant. Besides, most of the mistakes that can be found within the Watchtower organization, are ones that can be found in any other group. So I don't think that misconstruction of doctrine, or personal matters where one is wronged, in itself, significant as they may well be, are the markings of a group I want to stay away from. For me it is not so much what the Witnesses think as is how the Witnesses think. When you approach the organization epistemologically, it forces one to look at how they come up with what they do, and what it produces. I see paranoia. I see self-righteousness. I see a strange hybrid of love and hate that encourages an unhealthy sense of exclusiveness and contradicts natural law. I see the power of God in the hands of men. I see hypocrisy. I am sickened by the type of thinking epitomized by one elder that would repeatedly refer to the Witnesses, both in prayer and in talks, "as the greatest people in the world." The fact that no one would challenge him on this point speaks for itself. Sure, Witnesses might make great neighbors, but that doesn't make them the all-encompassing solution to every single problem on earth. I am saddened by the tremendous loss of innumerable friends. Those that know me are aware that growing up was tremendously difficult. I am not here to air out dirty laundry. It would only serve as an embarrassment to my family and others, and I feel it would not accomplish anything. To those of you who know what I am talking about, you have been a priceless source of support and help. I feel bad that my decision may be taken as turning my back on you, as in, 'after all that has been done for me, how can I say what I can?' The answer is simply because I know what I know and I have seen what I have seen. So do I feel that I have transcended some way of thinking or that now I have some bit of spiritual truth gone unseen by all these JWs? Not at all. Such thinking is arrogant, proud, and spiritually dangerous. It is one thing to say that such and such is what I believe, knowing that this is probably going to evolve. It is something else to have someone dictate this for you, mandating that you goosestep right along with the rest of those of whom you assume to be of like mind. The critical finger that is pointed towards all these other groups (valid as it may be) is one that can be pointed right back at the Witnesses. They shouldn't be surprised, and I don't think they are, when it is. So, where am I going from here? Well, not to sound cliche, but this is a journey. I will always continue to explore the Bible and theological thought. I am not turning my back on God. Just an organization that puts itself in that position. Hope to meet some great people... Aaron
I'm new here...
by sniperdoc 55 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome to the forum, and thank you for defending our FREEDOM!!!!
Welcome Aaron...always nice to have yet another perspective. You'll find most a friendly bunch here...and even some active and former military members. I agree w/you about some people needing a structured spirituality and that's fine...as long as the structure itself isn't a dangerous one. I mean, would you allow you or your mates to board a wessel that was not safe? The problem IMO w/so much organized religion is that you might think you are putting your trust in a diety to make sure you are OK, but it all comes back to giving your spiritual life over to others who you "hope or trust" know what is best for you. Once again, welcome to the board and I look forward to hearing from you more.
District Overbeer
Thank *you* cowboy. Being in the military and trying to do my part feels a lot better than pawning off stupid magazines at someone's door. I can tell you for a fact that a lot more good came out of us being there (it's not just all the bs you see on CNN) and I feel like I was more effective than I have ever felt in service...field not military that is...
I will say that I am not here to bash Witnesses. I strongly believe that the organization provides, for some, a certain type of spiritual need. This would go for just about any organized group or system of beliefs
I agree with you 100%
Welcome to the board. You will make an interesting addition. I'm glad you are back safe and sound.
p.s. let me know if someone's not nice to you
Thanks Chevy...
I don't think I'll need you if someone is mean, I know a fair amount of Marines that are always ready for a good fight, especially if it's for their Doc.
Sure.... ya'll may carry great big guns, but 'hell havth no furry like a pissed off woman with a fresh set of crutches"
So the drunk girl with a broken leg needs to shave?
District Overbeer
are you offering Valis?
For the record, my knee is healed now, my legs are shaved, I wasnt drunk when I fell, and I still carry my crutches around with me just to get sympathy :)
sorry Sniper..... didnt mean to get off track, carry on
Crutches suck Chevy. I had to get around base for a while on those. I can totally empathize now with fellow crutch users. That was back in January. I'm still not 100%. I just had surgery on my ankle to take out a screw they installed. I went running this morningn for the first time in four months and it may have been a bit premature...