I think I figured out the WT's end-game

by nowwhat? 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    While they may not go all out and get the members in some basements, I do believe the storefront type of Kingdom Hall hinted at would be easier to sell and re-purpose.  They could feel that the spirit moves them to do this for the betterment of the organization.   

    Awhile back, they bragged about their "level" floor at an assembly hall- I believe it was in Orangeburg, South Carolina.  Others had said the place looked like a strip mall.  I had thought about assembly halls and large theaters of similar style and I don't recall "level" floors, but pitched floors going down as you went toward the stage so that seats in the back had visibility.  

    Level floors means they want someone to buy it should they have to bail out.  So does a storefront kind of property.  

    An excellent warehouse or large store: 

    ITS IN THE HOLE...former greens keeper
  • JWdaughter

    That all the GB are as deluded as the rest is negated by the grooming that has been going on more intensely than before for JWs to accept whatever is coming down the pipe. The bit about "accepting anything from the GB,even if it seems illogical from a human standpoint" is a clue. They are putting JWs in a mindset to accept anything. That they are presenting the basement scenario even now---fits in nicely. That accepting the JW is tantamount to being a Christian.. .well, no pressure there!

    I think that they have a game, but its not an endgame, its a stretch things out so as to avoid the good times ending for THEM game. . . 

  • Finkelstein

     The Watchtower Corporation didn't get a billion dollar rich by telling the "Truth" ,

    we fear mongered on to the poorly educated and gullibly ignorant.  


  • nonjwspouse


    "do u believe that the GB are having KH built with Slave labor  with the full intention of selling them in a few years at a profit?  "

    Absolutely. This is a proven working model. They have just ramped it up recently and the lawyers continue to try to provide layers of liability protection for the WT. While the WT controls all the properties and is able to sell the low to no labor cost built or renovated properties when the prices are good, and then rebuild with a perpetual mortgage. wash rinse repeat.

  • violias

    Violia - LOVE your avatar.  My daughter sent me with that poster and it's the greatest!  I hope everyone reads it - I like what the elders told you


    thanks  LV101 - the quote thing does not seem to work so I used the highlight. 

    Yes I saw this on FB and LOL and said, " that has to be my new avatar". .

    yes the elder was at least honest with me.  He had nothing to lose and neither did I.  It was sort of sad hearing it for real. I always thought they were just a business he validated my perceptions.  

  • Vidiot

    The WTS has no "end game"...

    ...having an "end game" suggests that they expect it all to come to an end.

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