finnrot, if you look anything remotely like your are so HOTT!
Has this happened to anyone else?
by EyeDrEvil 24 Replies latest jw friends
It is true. Different congregations say different things about the ole' goatee. In my original congregation, it was a direct NO-NO. Then when we moved to another congregation in a different state, there was a "brother" with at goatee who gave talks and offered "prayer".
The one who was stumbled???..............ME!!!
He should have shaved for ME. I am the old lady in the illstration mentioned. Of course, we asked the elder we was close to, and he dint really have any answers.
But, even now, now that meetings are in the past, I am engrained that "good" people do not have goatee's. Anyone with a goatee is bad. That is how I still see it. I guess born and raised being taught that way...just sticks. So I let mine grow on weekends and holidays, but shave clean for workdays....
Its too bad really, cause I like the look of a goatee on me........oh well...
Yet, most of the bOrg's publications feature illustrations of Jesus & other Bible characters with full beards, and long-ish hair! (Except for a couple of years in the 50's or 60's...
How about sisters with hairy legs (or underarms)--anybody ever know any of them?
LOL! YESSSSSSS........ewwwwwwwww and they would wear pantyhose over the top of the mondo hairy legs matting it all down! Not a pretty sight to be sure
My son was handling the mics at the age of 14, and was trying to keep moving up the theo ladder when we left the borg.
He has light brown hair now, but was blonde as a baby, in the summer times his hair looks so pretty with the sun's highlights .
One winter he decided to add some highlights instead of waiting for summer. The PO's wife, walked up to him and kind of whispered,,to my son......." do you think that Jehovah like your style of hair?" My son looked at her and said,,,,,,," I think he DOES like it ".. and he walked away smiling at her. It is hard to be respectful to this sister because she was always pulling this sly crap.Later my son, told me that he really wanted to ask her........" do you think Jehovah likes your dry, fried unconditioned hair"?? He did the right thing I told him by not being a smart ass back to her, but it is good she said that to my oldest and not my youngest , I am sure he would have told her to kiss his bum........