One of the stupider laws I've encountered.
by logansrun 21 Replies latest jw friends
I'm at the supermarket and the sign says, "We card anyone under 30." Okay, how do you know if I'm under 30 or not? "Um, may I see your drivers license to check and see if you are under 30, because if you're under 30 I need to check your drivers license before you buy this vodka."
Maybe it means if you look under 30 that they will card you. Okay, so why not just card people who look under 21?
I have had the same thoughts, those signs make no sense.
Maybe it's a way to avoid offending someone that is over 21 and gets carded.
At Red Robin the menus say they card anyone under 39 1/2. lol
I am in my 40s and got carded at Salt Lake City Airport
I don't mind being carded, but the fact that there is an official sign which just doesn't make sense offends my intelligence. Better if it read,
"We pretty much card anyone who we feel looks under 21."
Or why not just card everybody, dammit.
Mrs. O got carded the last time we went to a nightclub. She was actually flattered ... since she'll turn 42 in a couple of months.
Hi Brad,
Okay, so why not just card people who look under 21?
Many years ago they used to card anyone who looked under 21. But, some minors who are 19 or 20 look like they could be 21, 22, 23 or older. So, many states moved the card law to 30 to be sure to rule out minors who looked old for their age. California moved the age to 35, and some states have gone to an "all-age-no-matter-what-you-look-like-law." The reason for this is to prevent age discrimination law suits, as well as prevent any possibility that the person who is 20 who may look like they are 50 from buying a beer.
About 30 years ago the law was changed to allow 18 year old people to vote. This was done because at 18 you can fight and die for the nation ... soooo ... why not drink too? My attitude is that if you are not old enough to buy a beer, then you are not old enough to vote or die for the country ...
I recall that at age 19 I was very responsible ... more so than I am now in some ways ... so I drove to Nebraska from California and bought a beer.Jim
This is a problem with language. How can you know someone's age when you have to check their age to know their age? Adding the word "look" may help but then again age assessment is up to the person cheking. I have been carded even though I am twice the legal age. Some stores card everyone regardless of how decrepid they appear but at least they are safely complying with the law. Theses store always ask for a driving licence and one swipe gets your ID and date of birth.
The worst thing I have encountered was when I ordered wine with a meal and the waiter asked for my wife's ID and DOB!