Because a few of you apparently don't know me (perhaps not at all, judging by your responses), I feel compelled to "enlighten" you, just a tad. In doing so, I again ask your patience with my verbosity:
1. I do not believe in or support religion, but recognize it for what it truly is. Religion... ALL of it... is a "false light," designed and directed by the Adversary, to "mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones." It is contrived of false christs and false prophets, whose loyalty is neither to God nor to His Son... for in truth, they know neither one... nor are they known by either one. They just simply use the "idea" of God and Christ to gain followers... for themselves.
Because we, some of us, are "sons of light" and seekers of truth, religion has been created to draw us to IT... rather than to the True Light, the Son of God, whose is the Truth. Yet, some us, once we are close enough to such false lights, recognize them for what they are: a means to destroy us, spiritually, by tricking us into giving our heart... and thus our SPIRIT... to THEM and listening to THEM... rather than to God and Son... and listening only to them. Rather than drawing us TO God and Christ, then, they literally draw us away. How is that? Because NO man can get to God by going through a religion, or through the "leaders" set up by such religion. One can only come to God... by going through Christ. And since HE is our ONLY "mediator," then... there is nothing and no one that should be between us... and Christ.
Since WE are the "temple" of God... it is in US that God dwells and it is from there that He speaks to us... THROUGH Christ. NOT from some pulpit or altar or podium or magazine... and not in handmade temples. Since God speaks to us by means of His SON... we do not need ANYONE to be teaching us, for the Holy Spirit is the One that will lead us into all truth.
I don't ascribe to religion... at all... and if you would condescend to read some other threads I've had the privilege to post, you might be able to "see" that.
2. I do not believe in the Bible. I do not believe it is God's Word. I do not believe it is the "truth." I do not believe it is "holy" or untampered with. I do not believe it was written by God, compiled by God or even given us by God. I DO believe in the scriptures, SOME of which are contained in the Bible. However, what I know and share with you I did not get and do not get from reading the Bible; I receive it directly from my Lord.
I, like many of you... read and read and reread the Bible... backwards and forwards... and still did not know what I now do. It was not until I heard the truth FROM the Truth... that I came to "know" God, Christ... and the truth... particularly the truth about mankind... and spirit beings. Some of you may believe that God and/or His Christ are dead; others that neither exist or ever existed at all. That is your perogative; you are a free-will agent, able to believe... or disbelieve... whatever you will. Neither, however, are my belief. My knowledge is that he is indeed alive, but is a spirit, and therefore, speaks to us by means of speaking to OUR spirit... versus to our flesh. It is through my faith that he IS a spirit... and that I, too, am a spirit INSIDE my flesh... that I am able to hear. So that it is INSIDE that I listen and hear him, just as you could, too, if you wished to. But I don't know how one can hear something one does not even believe exists.
I do USE the Bible here, from time to time... NOT for my benefit... but for the benefit of those who do not believe something unless they see it for themselves... who must see a thing "in writing," in order to accept it. Unfortunately, religion also knows that... and exploits it... by telling folks that the Bible "says" things it does not say... or originated in a manner that it did not, and more. It is our need to see things in writing, but reluctance to either read them for ourselves... or trust what the SPIRIT tells us... that allows religion to bind us as it does. And were I to say much of what I am directed to, and then said, "Well, I he told me and you'll just have to believe that," I ask you: where would the love be in that? Also, I was challenged very early on by some here, to use the Bible to "prove" what I shared. And so, from time to time, for the sake of those, I do so.
3. I do not speak for God. I do not claim to do so, nor have I ever claimed to do so. God has One who speaks for Him, a Son.
4. I do not speak FOR the Son, for he can speak for himself. If, though, some fail to HEAR... primarily because they lack faith so as to believe they even CAN hear... and thus, LISTEN... then I, in my OBLIGATION to my "neighbor"... to love him/her "as" myself... to "do unto" him or her as I would want "done unto" me... must speak what I hear. Whether ones hear... or refrain.
Why is that? Because it is the least I would want someone to do "unto" me. And since I am a SERVANT to such "neighbors"... and a slave of the One who sends me... I share what I do... NOT out of sense of being "better" (I am the servant, which makes me a LESSER one. Get it?)... but from a sense of LOVE... obligation (servants work FOR the Household, not elevate themselves OVER the household). And it's not one of those "Hey, a train is coming and you're standing on the track," kind of things, but instead, a "Hey, did you know about this WONDERFUL truth that "they" didn't tell you about because "they" don't know it?!" kind of thing.
Now, I ask you: were I to say, "Oh, no, not me, I'm not gonna tell 'em; YOU tell 'em or let 'em find out for themselves," what kind of servant or slave would I be? And wouldn't YOU, once knowing the truth yourself, say "Why didn't SOMEBODY tell me?" Of course, you would. And he tries to; it is you who fails to hear. And so, I try to, also.
And, yes, you ridicule, even become malicious, some of you. But tell me, as a result of whose "shortcoming," is that, truly? Mine? Or yours? What threat am I to you? What illwill have I wished you? None. At all. Ever. I have not spoken any harsh words to you, judged you or spoken ill of or to you. Those are things that "religion" teaches; my Lord, however, has taught ME... to release... and I will be released. Forgive... and I will be forgiven. Give... and I will be given to. Love... and I will be loved. Judge... and I will be judged. And so, I do not judge or condemn you in your believe... or lack thereof. Can you say the same? I say to you, then, TRULY... if your belief... or lack thereof... ALLOWS you... in your heart and with your mouth... to judge and speak as YOU do... then I am quite glad that I am "no part" of it.
True, all of this puts me in line to be subjected to ridicule and, at times, malicious words, so I have no grounds to decry it. And I don't; it is to be expected. I knew what I was signing on for when I said, "Here I am; send me!" How did I know? Because my training started with the people of the WTBTS. And your skepticism, ridicule, anger and maliciousness is absolutely NO different than what I received from them. But I marvel at how some of you now consider yourselves to be even "better" than them, while at the SAME time holding to the same "mental state" that they originally taught you: ridicule, persecute, speak maliciously to and of, and judge and condemn ANYONE who doesn't think like you do, believe as you do... and act as you do. My Lord would call you hypocrites.
I say to you, then, judge and condemn me, based on what you believe or don't believe. It is not my concern if you do: I do not look for approval or acceptance from earthling man, but from God and Christ. I agreed to take up my own "stake"... and follow [them]... continually. Such following means accepting the inevitable "persecution" that comes as a result. If they spoke ill of him, and called him awful names, who am I to think I would receive otherwise? You don't know me, truly, for if you did, you would know that such only deems me "happy", for it further proves my Lord's words to me regarding such.
Dear ones, my servitude to you... and Christ... is not mandatory; I do it willingly. Why? Because of the very things that I see and hear. You, too, would do the exact same thing... regardless of people's attitude and response. You would NOT be able to remain silent. If, then, my relating of them to you causes you... ummmm... discomfort... then I ask you (for the hundredth time): please... refrain from opening my threads. For if you know anything about me, most often they will be of the very nature that you find... ummmm... offensive. If, then, you are offended, who is to blame?
If, however, you truly cannot refrain from opening them, then I exhort you to ask yourself why that is... what TRULY is it that you're looking for? If your answer is God... or Christ... my reply to you would be that [they] are not here, but are "in" you. Look THERE, first. And if you can't "find" them... it is because you have not been "found" BY them. Yet. That could indeed change... if you only wish it.
May you have ears to hear what I have said here... if not those to hear anything else.
My peace remains, and I remain,
Your servant and a slave of Christ,