Another Television Show on the Jehovah's Witnesses on May 10th

by jschwehm 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • simplesally

    I have thought about going back to the Catholic church. They don't require that you gulp down all their doctrine in order to be a Catholic. I do like a sense of community and spirituality and the morals (for the most part) that are taught there.

  • gumby

    To me, this is a slap in the face to you in the eyes of the witnesses....if that's the audience your hoping will see the program. The catholics will certainly get a kick out of it, but I don't know of anyone else who would. Sorry to rain on your parade, but I can't see your reasoning one little bit.


  • jschwehm

    Hi Gumby:

    I am not sure what you are talking about.

    Jeff S.

  • Sabine

    Jeff, in my opinion that's a classic from pan to fire thing...but then you didn't ask for my opinion.

    I still wish you all the best though, and sincerely hope you are finding inner peace and joy on your journey.

  • gumby

    Hi Jeff.

    I was talking about how I can't understand how in the world someone could become a Catholic........good Lord dude! At least one thing I did learn as a dub and that is how unchristian catholics are. Are you going to use a Rosary everyday too? How about praying to saints and that kinda thing.

    My other point was, I didn't think the Program would have nothing but a negative effect on any witness who might see the program. What kind of message to you suppose they will get.

    Jeff.....if your happy, then be a Catholic of course, but I don't think you'll get alot of support for doing so. Yeah....I know, I sound like a mean ol' scrooge for saying this, but I honestly can't understand the move you made from dub to Catholic.


  • jschwehm

    Hi Gumby:

    I thought that way too until I started reading the early church fathers. In addition, I soon discovered that it was the bishops of the Catholic Church that determined what books should be included in the New Testament. Eventually, I read the Catechism of the Catholic Church and that eventually lead to my conversion.

    I also started reading the stories of many of the Saints and was impressed by their concern for people everywhere. I did not realize this but the Catholic Church provides an impressive array of social services for needy people all across the world regardless of race, creed, religion, or color.

    In addition, I fell in love with the way in which Catholics worship God. The churches are artistically beautiful and the music is grand.

    As far as the effect the program would have on any active JWs, I would expect them to be very negative towards it. I am more interested in educating fellow Catholics about the JWs and any former JW who might want to learn more about Catholicism.

    Jeff S.

  • gumby

    I just hope your happy Jeff. Thank you for the reply without getting upset

    Take care,


  • jschwehm


    How could I get upset with you?????

    Jeff S.


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