hey everybody! i'm not a christian anymore and i'm so happy about that lol

by Fleur 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Fleur

    okay, this is interesting to me.

    first a little bit of background on me, i was introduced to jw-ism as a zygote, raised in and baptized at the tender age of 12. i got baptized because my beloved grandfather had just passed away and i was told that if i wasn't baptized i wouldn't get to the new order and i wouldn't ever see him again. no pressure or anything...

    i really truly believed everything for the first two decades of my life. really started doubting at 25, left at 26 (they df'd me even though i disassociated myself in a letter to the elders first). i've been df'd for almost six years. much to my family's shagrin, i have no intention of trying to get reinstated. they wouldn't reinstate me anyway when i told them that i thought that the organization was a cult.

    i have known for a long time that i was agnostic, i just don't know if god or anything like a god is out there, and frankly, i really don't care anymore. but i have never, ever really grasped the simple thought that i'm not a christian anymore, until i said it in a reply to another thread just now. the thought made me so giddily happy that i just had to shout it out to everyone.

    so hey everybody! lol i'm not christian, and i'm so glad!!!

    don't get me wrong, there are a lot of christians out there who are humble, kind people and i am happy to count them among my friends. but the breed who are self righteous, pious, and preach damnation to everyone who isn't like them, man, i just don't want any of it. if that's what i have to be saved, i'd rather be unsaved, thanks.

    what a relief to know its finally gotten through to me, i've finally escaped the bonds of my childhood indoctrination.

    i'm not christian, i'm free, and the world somehow looks like a much more beautiful place because of that today.

    just thinking out loud here. anyone else wake up one day and realize that not only were they wanting to be free, but they really were???


  • Sassy

    Welcome to JWD Fleur!

  • Left_Field

    I think it's awesome that you are in a good place. Happiness is a wonderful relief after living under that sort of regime.

    Good for you Fleur :-)


  • Fleur

    thanks sassy...i'm not really a newbie around here, lost all my old email accounts and passwords and such from when i used to post here before. i used to go by the name esmeralda, most people just called me essie. but i appreciate your kindness just the same!

    hi there left_field! yes, it did feel like a regime, didn't it? i want to hold onto this feeling of freedom so bad, that's why i had to post about it. thanks for reading!!!


  • Sassy

    ahhh.. well see how much I know!!

  • little witch
    little witch

    Ahhhhh!! Newfound freedom of thought! How refreshing that is. Fluer, if you are happy, I am happy for you. (I hear chains breaking in the background)! Do enjoy your happiness and freedom. I rejoice with you.

  • frankiespeakin


    I felt totally elated when I drop the bible god. I mean he is so mean,,he's alway spying on you,,ready to destroy you if you don't have faith,,when he comes again and all that BS.

    I even started a post when it finally hit me here it is:http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/25/68234/1.ashx

    When I started writing this funny post I was in total happiness even when person would get upset with me in the thread it didn't lessen my happiness.

  • El blanko
    El blanko

    It sounds more like you have broken the spell that the society had cast over you. I suspect that in your heart you still cherish some of the finer Christian values that guided you?

    I know how you feel though - I went through that period of elation myself. Be careful not to spring into another straightjacket existence, feel your way forward carefully and think out your choices clearly.

    My 2 pennys worth .. for what it's worth.

  • truthseeker1

    Welcome to the club! I'm also a non-christian. I'm more on the athiest side of the whole belief in god.

    On a similar note, I was talking to my mom the other day about religion. (She is catholic). In her opinion, being a christian doesn't really have anything to do with religion. To her its a way of living, basically treating others the way you want to be treated. Thats how I was raised and thats how I behave. So to her, i suppose I'm christian, even though I don't believe in christ or god for that matter. Does that make me a bad person, nahh. Would I call myself christain? Nahh, but she would, just because i'm a good human being.

    Thanks for listening to me :)

  • ohiocowboy

    Welcome fellow non-christian!!! Bouncy 2

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