Does anybody know if gum chewing is allowed in the meeetings anymore? I think that is also a no,no .
Gum Chewing
by oscar 10 Replies latest jw friends
Gum chewing was allowed in my congregation. I do not think they should stop people from chewing, as chewing gum gives one something to do, thereby keeping one awake!!!
Jonty Parkin
Maybe it's a "conscience" issue. What do the scriptures say?
"Let he who chooses to chew, chew, and let he who chooses not to chew, not chew; so that whether we chew, or whether we do not chew, we bring praise to our Earthly Organisation, for she is our Mother." Wrigleys 6:9
On the other hand
"Though I am permitted by the Law given unto Moses to chew, yet will I not do so; that I may by no means stumble my brother." Gumlations 4:3
Let us pray to our loving Spiritual Mother, the Earthly Organisation for guidance and clarity, that we may stumble none at the very threshold of the rapidly approaching, soon to be here, any moment now, righteous New World Order, under the loving oversight of The Organisation and The United Nations! Amen and Amen!
Oh wow great replys, because I remember a few years back when I attended a meeting it was actually an issue, I can just see everyone praying so that we can resolve this important issue.
I was in halls where it was just learned not to smack/pop your gum...
Doubtfully Yours
They always give little digs about gum chewing being frowned upon. However, there I am chewing up a storm! Love chewing that gum!
I tell you, their list of don'ts is never ending! Awww... such freedom!
I remember in the late 80s my family took part in a large demonstration showing appropriate conduct at the hall. It was a simulated meeting, with us in the back row wearing jeans etc. One of the points was that although 'wrigleys helps you concentrate' it was disrespectful to chew it in the hall. Nobody took any notice however, they just made sure it wasn't too noticeable.
Chewing gum was a nono in the cong I went too. I did it anyways.
What next? Are they gonna tell you which hand to wipe your ass with?
Having a chew in my (former) cong. was looked down upon --- I am sure the PO and the 'brotherhood" had mental score-cards for those who did and those who did not -- with the associated consequences or privileges handed out accordingly. (I chewed anyway. That, and my goatee marked me forever, I guess!
Our PO was so hung up on not chewing gum that he refused to EVER chew gum. On a trip he made to Mexico a few years back, a sweet little girl, probably 5 years old, offered him a stick as a gesture of kindness (or maybe halitosis) Anyway, not wanting to offend the host family and the little girl, and not having the ability to speak spanish to explain his quandary, he took the gum and chewed his first stick of gum EVER. It just about mentally killed him.
can you say "uptight?"
What next? Are they gonna tell you which hand to wipe your ass with?
That would be your right hand, if you're of the annointed, and the left for the great crowd. Something to do with the seating arrangements?