Were you ever "rewarded" for your faithful service?

by Jonty Parkin 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jonty Parkin
    Jonty Parkin

    "Rewards" for faithful service sometimes used to come in the most unlikely manner. To illustrate; the "privillege" of being a young microphone handler occasionally yielded its wholesome dividends of an unexpected nature. For example, when I was once on microphone duty as a young aspirant ministerial slave, I was rewarded with an edifying flash of theocratic tit when a sister leant forward to give her comment.

    When I got home later, I gave thanks and praised the loving Earthly Organisation by handling my own mike in uplifting appreciation! Has anybody else been similarly rewarded for faithful service to the wonderful Earthly Organisation?


  • Golf

    Tell me this post is a joke, right? If it isn't, then it should be!

    Guest 77

  • LyinEyes

    No I wa never "rewarded" for my faithful service,,, I guess it was one of those things I was "waiting on Jehovah" for. Glad I wasn't holding my breath...........lol.

  • Paradise Found
    Paradise Found

    I dont think this post is a Joke ?

    When you knock on enough doors you meet the lonley people looking for love..To those I was also mutually attacted to it made the service worthwhile. The trick in my circumstance (Married)was that I never made such experienes return calls.

    As to Jontys question..when I was on microphone duty I did sometimes see the sisters tits..Okay I never went home and lifted my own Mike to thank Jehovahs earthly organisation..but in all truth it was a reason why I liked the privalige of being on the microphone.(18-30 Holidays were not in a Witnesses vocab so I guess such petty things are and were a big deal)

  • yxl1

    During a very hot summer, I refused to wear a jacket while on microphone duty. The PO decided to bollock me and remove all my previledges. (funny how they make the crappy jobs sound better by calling them "priviledges" ) The following sunday during the WT study, this same elder was stood spouting the usual rubbish when he just keeled over on the platform. The thermometer was reading over 100 and this jerk refused to take off his jacket and loosen his tie, even though we had no aircon. He was OK though, but very embarriesed.

    I guess my reward wasnt for faithful service, but it sure made me chuckle....

  • Jonty Parkin
    Jonty Parkin

    "Tell me this post is a joke, right? If it isn't, then it should be!"

    Hi Golf. You have heard of sarcasm; the "lowest form of humour but the highest form of wit"?

    I think most people could see that I was being heavily sarcastic; taking the piss out of WT etymology and polemic to be precise.

    But in case you are still in any doubt, yes my post was a joke, the intention of which was to demonstrate in a lighthearted fashion what a "joke" the WTS is, and to invite similar humerous anecdotes from other posters.

    Hope that clears things up for you.

    ps, no need to shout - I can read normal size font.

    Jonty ;)

  • EyeDrEvil


    Thank you for your post. After only 3 hours of sleep last night, I needed a good kick this morning.

    By the way, my wife and I love your "photo." Where can one get a copy of it in poster-size?


  • shamus


  • itsallgoodnow

    I was flashed in fieldservice once, does that count? It didn't turn me on, though, so I guess I wasn't rewarded.

    LOVE your avatar... here's one I found that I'm seriously thinking of using one day...

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    ...yes, I suppose I was rewarded in more literal ways....being the son of an Elder, I was given charge of the microphones at age 16. After mastering that, I was appointed as assitant book and magazine counter servant at age 18.

    Having become a full time pioneer at age 17 was the big investment for me though...I was appointed as miniterial servant at age 20 or 21. I was told that if I maintained my "theocratic attitude," I was on the fast track to being appointed as an elder ( one of the "younger ones") I was far too immature emotionaly to have handled such a position. This was also about 26 years ago.

    this was a whole different lifetime ago.....

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