I'm Lando Calrissian.
Happy Star Wars Day!
by Englishman 39 Replies latest jw friends
Dammit to hell! I gave completely different answers and I'm STILL Emperor Palpatine! This test bites. (And Leoilia, anyone could SAY they came out as Luke Skywalker) (just kidding, no offense meant, you probably are exactly like Luke Skywalker.)
You are PRINCESS LEIA! This is me.
I want to be the emperor!
xjw... its a play on words...
May the fourth be with you
May the 4th
May the force
Can't say October the 4th be with you.. ;o)
Mr English is a liguistic gymnast :o)~~~~
Glad you explained that, LeftField, because I didn't get it either. Maybe that's why it goes down like a lead balloon every year.
I am Princess Leia?? *clears throat - speaks with a deep masculine voice* I meant Chubakka!! hehehe
Mr English is a liguistic gymnast :o)~~~~
Thank you!
I'm also an expert cunning linguist.
Apparently, I'm Luke Skywalker ... you should see the size of my light saber !
Yet another Lando Calrissian
So Franklyspeakin , the West Coast Octigenarian , and desib77, a lady from Lousiana, and this Brit must have more in common than you might think!!
The May 4th joke is my annual favourite too. It always gets blank stares in response , but hey, one joke a year isnt too bad!
Well looks like I'm emperor palpatine for a day . You must all do my bidding lest I unleash the powers of the dark side . bwahahahahahahaa